School Attendance Applying the Penalty for Chronic Truant

A non-cooperation penalty is applied by the EW for the following reason:

  • Notification from the school district or SARB that a student age 16 through 17 years of age has been deemed a chronic truant.

Determining Who to Penalize

When it has been determined that a child age 16 through 17 years of age has been deemed a chronic truant and does not meet any of the exception criteria, the penalty is applied by the EW as follows:


Then the Needs of...

A child aged 16 through 17 has been deemed a chronic truant and does not meet any of the exception criteria.

That child is deleted from the AU. The income and property of that child are used to determine the AU’s eligibility and aid payment. Refer the family to the CalWORKs SW.

Applying the Penalty

The penalty is applied to the 16–17 year old child.

Only Child in Assistance Unit (AU)

If the child aged 16 through17 is the only child in the AU and that child has been deemed a chronic truant, the grant for the AU is zero.

Related Topics

School Attendance

School Attendance Chronic Truant

School Attendance Notification to Benefits of Non-Attendance

Removing the Benefits Penalty for Chronic School Truant

Registration with Employment Services for Students

Employment Services Participation for Students

Non-Compliance with CWES Monitor School Attendance