Non-Compliance with CWES Monitor School Attendance

Attendance Problem

The CWES Worker monitors attendance, on a month-to-month basis. Teens enrolled in a vocational training program or any other non-high school program must submit an “Attendance and Child Care Billing” (SCD 1755) by the 5th day of each month.

Teens, in CWES, who fail to submit the SCD 1755 are subject to the 20-day noncompliance process. The parent of the teen is sent the “Notice to Parent/Legal Guardian” (SCD 1780) at the same time that the NA 840 is issued to the teen.

Good Cause

Use the following chart to determine the appropriate action when reviewing for good cause:

If the teen...

Then the teen...

Has good cause for not participating in the required activity and the teen can continue participation in the program in which enrolled,

Will be allowed to resume program participation based on the good cause determination.

Has good cause for not participating in the required activity for 30 days or more, and cannot continue participation in the program in which enrolled due to good cause criteria,

Is placed in good cause status and monitored on a month-to-month basis until the teen can be referred back to the appropriate activity.

Has good cause for not participating in the required activity and the teen cannot continue participation in the program in which enrolled due to existing barriers,

Is referred to the CalWORKs Social Work Unit, if intervention is required, or back to Assessment.

Does not have good cause for not participating in required activity,

Is placed on a compliance plan for 30 days or until the end of the activity, whichever happens first.

Failed Teen Compliance Plan

When a teen has failed to keep the terms of his/her compliance plan, the penalty is imposed. The CWES Worker may determine that a referral to the CalWORKs Social Worker is appropriate, if one has not previously been made by either the EW or the CWES Worker.

Closing the CWES Case

The CWES teen case cannot be closed until the CalWORKs case is closed.

Removing the CWES Penalty for Non-Attendance

This section explains the criteria for removing the penalty initiated by CWES. If the penalty occurred for a teen’s failure to attend a required program, then the penalty is not lifted by the EW until the teen has cooperated with CWES.

Eligibility Worker (EW) Action

Once the EW is notified, by the CWES Worker, that a teen is regularly attending his/her required program, the EW must take appropriate action to remove the CWES penalty.

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School Attendance

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