Employment Services Participation for Students

Hours of Participation

The hours of participation requirement under CalWORKs does not apply to 16- or 17-year old teens who have not completed high school or its equivalent.

Teens, age 16 and 17, who have completed high school or its equivalent are required to participate in WTW activities and are subject to all CWES Program requirements under CalWORKs.

Participation Requirements

CWES participation requirements for 16- and 17-year old teen children are outlined as follows:

If the teen, aged 16–17...

Then that teen...

Has not completed high school or its equivalent,

Is only referred to high school or its equivalent.

Has been referred to high school or its equivalent,

May volunteer to participate in additional WTW activities, including job search services and assessment, to the extent that these activities do not interfere with their school attendance.

Has completed high school or its equivalent,

Is required to participate in WTW activities and is subject to the hours of participation requirements under the CalWORKs program.

Verification of Enrollment in High School

A teen who has been referred to CWES and at Orientation provides verification of enrollment in high school (using the CSF 37) has fulfilled the school enrollment requirements.

The CWES Worker must fax the CSF 37 to the EW, requesting the penalty be lifted. The CWES case will remain open for any supportive service needs. The school district is responsible for monitoring attendance through the process established between the school district and the agency.

Referral to Assessment

A teen who has been referred to CWES and at orientation does not provide verification of enrollment in high school or its equivalent, is referred to:

  • High school or the equivalent, or
  • An appropriate CWES educational activity, or
  • Assessment.

A referral to the CalWORKs Social Worker will have been made by the EW, once it was identified that the child was not enrolled in school. If it appears that the referral was not made, the CWES Worker must make the referral to link the teen to any necessary supportive services.

School Activity at Orientation

Use the following chart to determine the appropriate activity for the teen:

If the teen is...

Then the CWES Worker...

Enrolled in high school at the time of or after a CWES orientation,

Provides the completed CSF 37 to the EW and requests that the penalty be lifted. The case will remain open for any necessary supportive services. The school district is responsible for monitoring attendance through the process established between the school district and the agency.

Enrolled in a school program other than high school, at the time of the CWES Orientation,

Requests that the penalty be lifted and provides the completed CSF 37 to the EW. The CWES Worker is responsible for monitoring attendance according to CWES attendance requirements.

Related Topics

School Attendance

School Attendance Chronic Truant

School Attendance Notification to Benefits of Non-Attendance

School Attendance Applying the Penalty for Chronic Truant

Removing the Benefits Penalty for Chronic School Truant

Registration with Employment Services for Students

Non-Compliance with CWES Monitor School Attendance