CWES Overpayment & Underpayment - Child Care Overpayment

Child care payments are issued in the month AFTER child care services have been provided. The following child care overpayments happen when there is an administrative error and/or fraud has been committed.

Overpayments Exist

Overpayments exist, but are not limited to the following situations:


Responsible Person or Resource

Child care payments were paid in error to a provider for child care services after informing the provider that eligibility for payment has been terminated.

Child Care Provider

Any situations involving fraud and abuse.

Client or Child Care Provider

Child care payments were paid while the parent was ineligible for cash aid and the parent does not qualify as a former recipient.


Provider bills and is paid for child care services, however, EC becomes aware that there is an error in the number of hours billed, number of days/weeks billed, and number of child(ren) paid for.

Child Care Provider

There is an Administrative error (i.e., incorrect computation).

Note: Administrative OP is still collectable from the overpaid client or provider.

Client or Child Care Provider

Note: Workers are to discuss with their supervisors any specific case scenarios.

Overpayment Does Not Exist

Overpayment does NOT exist in the following situations:

  • Illness or quarantine of the child or the client
  • Medical appointments
  • Housing search
  • Court-ordered visitations
  • Family emergencies
  • Court appearances
  • Lack of participation in a WTW activity.

Note: Payment for absences may include payments to the licensed child care provider who has a policy that child care is on a fixed schedule, whether the child attends or not.

  • Child care payments made to an authorized relative for care provided.
  • Child care payments made for care provided to children during temporary absences of the provider when someone else provided the care.
  • Child care provided by a licensed or exempt provider exceeding capacity before the effective date of provider termination.

Note: Workers are to discuss with their supervisors any specific case scenarios.

Related Topics

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment Definitions

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment General Rules

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment Deferral Rules

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment - Referral to Collections

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment - Transportation Overpayment

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment - Ancillary Expenses Overpayments

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment - Overpayment Recoupment

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment - Methods of Overpayment Recovery

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment - Suspected Fraud Overpayment

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment - Other Overpayments

CWES Overpayment Procedures

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment - Underpayments

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment Forms