CWES Overpayment & Underpayment - Other Overpayments

Duplicate Supportive Payments

Duplicate payments occur in the following situations:

  • The EC erroneously issued a duplicate payment for the same type of supportive service for the same month. This does not include additional corrective payments. The duplicate payment is considered an Administrative Overpayment.
  • The client declared non-receipt of the initial warrant and a replacement warrant is issued. The same initial warrant is later cashed by the same payee. The duplicate payment is considered an Other Overpayment.

State Hearings

State hearings are a part of the WTW provisions. The “Welfare to Work/Cal-Learn Supportive Services Overpayment / Underpayment Notice” (WTW 11) informs clients about their right to request a State Hearing in relation to any action or inaction taken by the county. This includes, but is not limited to any overpayment amount or collection that the county has established.

Once a client files an appeal, CWES staff is to wait for instructions from Appeals Unit.

Break in Aid

Information about the overpayment and the balance owing are retained in CalWIN or with Collections. After a break in aid the program status and remaining balance is automatically with Collections. While the client is participating with CWES, Collections will defer collections until the appropriate time.

Related Topics

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment Definitions

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment General Rules

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment Deferral Rules

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment - Referral to Collections

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment - Child Care Overpayment

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment - Transportation Overpayment

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment - Ancillary Expenses Overpayments

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment - Overpayment Recoupment

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment - Methods of Overpayment Recovery

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment - Suspected Fraud Overpayment

CWES Overpayment Procedures

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment - Underpayments

CWES Overpayment & Underpayment Forms