Wraparound Program

WIC 18250-18258, AB 1758, SB 163, ACIN 1-91-08, Wraparound Services (ca.gov)
Wraparound is a strengths-based planning process and needs-driven service approach to engage with children/youth and their families by connecting them with their community to achieve positive goals and improve their well-being. The intention is to allow children to live and develop in a safe, stable, and permanent environment without being removed from their homes (i.e., least restrictive placement) and placed in a higher level of care (i.e., most restrictive placement).


The current Wraparound Services providers, their respective available slots, and their MEDS/CalSAWS provider numbers are listed below in Table 22-1.


Table 22-1: Wraparound Providers

Provider Available Slots MEDS Provider Numbers Calwin Provider Numbers
Pacific Clinics (formerly UPLIFT) 73 43 BX 442
Rebekah Children’s Services (RCS) under Compadres 70 43 AS 447
Seneca Family of Agencies - Seneca Connection 50 43 6K 463
Star View Children and Family Services, Contracting Star Lite for Services 70 43 AG


Wraparound Services may be offered by providers not listed above. This is not a common practice and is addressed on a case-by-case basis when the youth is eligible for services and does not reside in the County of Santa Clara. 

For AAP wrap cases, refer to Chapter 19 AAP Wraparound Services.

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