OHC Information in MEDS


When there is private health insurance coverage, the following information will appear on the individual’s [HIAR] screen on MEDS.

  • Name of carrier
  • Policyholder name
  • Policy number
  • Policy start and stop dates
  • Employer name and address
  • Scope of coverage
  • Whether dependent coverage is available.

Note: The information may be useful in responding to individual’s inquiries and in identifying insurance carriers. The worker must ensure personal information found in MEDS pertaining to the absent parent is NOT disclosed.

Information Lacking

If the client has private health insurance, but the MC program lacks information about the coverage, the word “COMPREHENSIVE” will appear on the record instead of the codes. This will alert providers to bill all services to the insurance company.

Clients will be notified to call their EW if the health insurance information on the MC record is incorrect.

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Other Health Coverage (OHC)

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EW Responsibility

Unavailable OHC

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OHC Identification by DHCS

Cost Avoidance

PHP, HMO, Triwest

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OHC for Foster Care/Adoption Assistance Children

Repayment for Medical Services

Third Party Liability (TPL)

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