Repayment for Medical Services

Individuals must be advised that if they receive insurance payments from their private coverage for a service which has been paid by MC, they must repay MC.

Provider Overpayments (OP) Program

Any health insurance payments received by individuals for services covered by Medi-Cal must be reported and repaid to DHCS.

Individuals should provide the following information in the endorse section of any checks from insurance carriers as follows:

  • Name of Payee—Name and signature of the individual who received the check.
  • Medi-Cal Identification Number of Recipient—This may be a different person than the one who received the check.
  • “For Deposit Only to Health Care Deposit Fund”—This will ensure that the check will be properly applied to the state fund only.
  • Date(s) of service, the provider's name, and a daytime phone number where the individual can be reached.

DHCS Recovery

DHCS will recover payments made for MC services that should be paid by the client's OHC.

DHCS distributes OHC payments collected which exceed both the MC payments for the service and the administrative costs in collecting the payment as follows:

  • The difference between the provider's billing and the amount paid by MC must be paid to the provider, subject to the amount of the excess available.
  • Funds remaining must be paid to the legally entitled person or entity.

Related Topics

Overview of the Managed Care Two-Plan Model

Health Care Options Enrollment Contractor

HCO Referrals

Managed Care for Mental Health Services

Coordinated Care Initiative - Cal MediConnect

Other Health Coverage (OHC)

Client Responsibility

EW Responsibility

Unavailable OHC

Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Program

OHC Identification by DHCS

Cost Avoidance

PHP, HMO, Triwest

OHC Information in MEDS

Removal of OHC Codes for Victims of Domestic Violence

OHC for Foster Care/Adoption Assistance Children

Third Party Liability (TPL)

Kaiser Dues Subsidy Program