- Overview of the Managed Care Two-Plan Model
- Health Care Options Enrollment Contractor
- HCO Referrals
- Managed Care for Mental Health Services
- Coordinated Care Initiative - Cal MediConnect
- Cal MediConnect FAQs
- Other Health Coverage (OHC)
- Client Responsibility
- EW Responsibility for OHC
- Unavailable OHC
- Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Program
- OHC Identification by DHCS
- Cost Avoidance
- PHP, HMO, Triwest
- OHC Information in MEDS
- Removal of OHC Codes for Victims of Domestic Violence
- OHC for Foster Care/Adoption Assistance Children
- Repayment for Medical Services
- Third Party Liability
- When DHCS Receives a Third Party Payment
- Kaiser Dues Subsidy Program
- 10-Day Reporting Requirement
- 100% Aid Codes
- 100% Program
- 1095-B
- 133% Aid Codes
- 133% Program
- 250% WDP
- 90 Day Cure Period
- A&A
- A&D
- AAP Program
- AB133
- Abortion
- Abuse
- Abuse/Codes and Messages
- Acceptance
- Access
- Actual Income
- Acute Care
- Administrative Errors
- Admittance
- Adoption Assistance
- Adult
- Adult Abuse
- Adult Status
- AE
- Afgan
- Age
- Agent Orange
- Aid by Refugee Category
- Aid Code
- Alaskan Native
- Alerts
- Aleutian
- Alien Status
- Alleged Disability
- Alleging Disability
- Allowance
- Amendment
- Anderson
- Annual
- Annual Net Worth
- Annual RD
- Annual Redetermination
- Anti-Rejection Medication
- Appeal
- Application Requirement
- Application Tracking System
- Apportioned Income
- Approvals in CalSAWS
- Arrearage Payments
- Assembly Bill
- Attendant Care
- Austrian
- Automatic Division Rules
- Available Income
- Baby Law
- Balderas v Woods
- Ball
- Bank Accounts
- Basis Codes
- Bayer
- Beltran
- Benefit
- BIC Format
- BIC Signature Requirements
- Billing
- Birth Certificate
- Birthdate
- Board and Care
- Boats
- Bona Fide
- Bonds
- Bounce Back Rule
- Break in Aid
- Breast Cancer
- Budgeting Examples
- Burial Arrangements
- Business Property
- Buy-In Alerts
- Buy-In Messages
- CA Residency
- CA State Subsidies
- Cal MediConnect
- CalAble
- California Partnership
- Campers
- Cars
- Cash Grant
- Cash Refund
- Cash Reserves
- Cash Surrender Value
- Cash-Linked MC
- Cash-Linked Medi-Cal
- Catastrophic Coverage
- CED Air Codes
- Cervical Cancer
- Cessation of Disability
- Changes
- CHDP Gateway Program
- Checklist
- Child Care Institution
- Child Status
- Citizen Status
- Claim
- Claim Management System
- Claims
- Client Index Number
- Clinical Trial
- Closed List
- Co-Ownership
- Combo Case
- Common Law Marriage
- Community Care Facility
- Community Property
- Compassionate Release
- Compensation
- Comprehensive Health Plan
- Conditional Notices
- Conservator
- Continuing
- Conversion
- Coordinated Care Initiative
- Copayment
- Cost Avoidance
- Cost Sharing
- Counted Income
- County Change
- County Children's Health Inititative
- County MCIEP
- County of Responsibility
- Couple
- Court Orders
- Courtesy Applications
- COVID 19
- COVID-19
- Coye et al
- Craig
- Crawford
- Credit Card
- Crime
- Crossover Claim
- Cuban
- Current
- Custodial
- Custody
- Customized Networks
- Date
- Dawson
- DD Waiver
- DDSD Contact
- DDSD Timeline
- Decrease SOC
- Deductible
- Deduction
- Deemed Eligibility
- Deferred Payment Loan
- Definition of Child
- Definition of Potential Overpayments
- Delayed Referrals
- Denial Applications
- Dependent Care
- Determination of Percentage Oblication
- Determined Disability
- Determining Usage
- DHCS 7019
- DHCS 7035 C
- DHCS 7035A
- DHCS 7068
- DHCS Audits
- DHCS Recovery
- DHCS Responsibility
- Diabled
- Diligent Search
- Direct Express Card
- Disability Benefits
- Disability Determination Referral
- Disability Payments
- Disability Referral Checklist
- Disabled Relative
- Disaster Assistance
- Discontinuance of Benefits
- Discrepancy
- Disposition
- Disposition of Returned Medi-Cal Cards
- Disposition Orders
- District Office DDSD Liaison
- Divorced
- DIVS Verification
- Doctor
- Doctor Verification Form
- Document Tiers
- Documents
- Dream Act
- Dreamers
- Drug
- Due Date
- Durable POA
- Educational Expenses
- Edwards
- Electronic Data Systems
- Electronic Signature
- Electronic Verification
- Eligibility Criteria
- Eligibility Determination
- Eligibility Requirements
- Eligibility Verification System
- Emergency Care
- Employer
- Encombrance
- Ending RMA
- Endowment
- Entitlement
- Equity
- Estate Recovery
- EV
- Every Woman Counts Program
- Evidence of Coverage
- Ex Parte Process
- Examples
- Exceptions
- Excluded Income
- Expenses
- Expiration
- Exposure
- Express Lane
- Extended MC
- Extra Help
- Face to Face
- Failure to Cooperate
- Family
- Family Composition
- Family Income
- Family Planning
- Family Size
- Federal Decision
- Fee for Service
- Fee-For-Service
- Female
- Filing
- Filing Status
- Filipino Veterans
- First Contact
- Flowchart
- Fluctuating Income
- Former Foster Youth
- Forms of Overpayment
- Foster Care Eligibility
- Four Month
- Four Month Continuing
- FPL Programs
- Franchise Tax Board
- Full Packet
- Gamma
- Gateway
- Gibbins
- Gifts to Children
- Good News for CA Families
- Gould
- Grants
- Haitian
- Hand Budget
- Hardship Waiver
- HCBA Waiver
- HCBS Waivers
- HCO Flyer
- Health Care Access Program
- Health Initiative
- Health Insurance Premium Payment Program
- Health Plan Basics
- Hearing Aid Coverage
- Heirlooms
- Hemophilia
- Hierarchy
- Hierarchy of Telephonic Signature
- HIV Exception
- Holocaust
- Home Upkeep
- Hospice
- Hospital
- Houseboat
- Humanitarian Parolees
- Hunt
- I-181 B
- Ibarra
- Identity Proofing
- Illness
- Immediate Care
- Immigrant
- Impairment
- In-Home Support
- In-Home Support Services
- In-Kind Support
- Incarcerated
- Incarceration
- Income Deductions
- Income Disregard
- Income Disregard Program
- Income from VOLAG
- Incoming ICT
- Incompetent
- Incompetent Child
- Incorrect Income
- Increase SOC
- Increased SOC
- Indian
- Indicator
- Indigent
- Individuals
- Infant
- Information to Providers
- Informational Forms
- Informing Notice
- Informing Requirements
- Initial Request for Services
- initial Six Months
- Initial TMC
- Inmate
- Inmate Eligibility Program
- Inmates
- Inmates Under Penal Code
- INQ1
- Inquiries
- Institutionalized Spouse
- Insurance Benefits
- Intake Procedure
- Inter-spousal Agreement
- Intercounty Transfer
- Interstate Match
- Interview
- Investment Property
- Iraqi
- Irrevocable Burial Funds
- Issuance Procedures
- Japanese
- Johnson
- Joint
- Joint Custody
- Jointly Held Assets
- Juvenile
- Juvenile Detention Center
- Juveniles in Public Institutions
- Kaiser Dues Subsidy Program
- Kaiser Permanent
- Keogh
- King
- Lack of Invormation
- Latino Coalition for a Healthy California
- Lawsuit
- Letter of Authorization
- Letters of Authorization
- Level Payment
- Lien
- Life Estate Interest
- Limited DDSD Referral
- Limited Packet
- Limited Services
- Limited Services for MIAs
- Liquid Resources
- Liquidate
- List and Lien
- Livestock
- Living Trust
- Loan
- Loans
- Lomeli
- Look-Back
- Loss of SSI/SSP
- Loss of TMC
- Lost Boys
- LTC Couple
- LTC Prejudice Cases
- Lump Sum
- Lump Sum Payments
- MAGI evaluation
- MAGI MC Budget
- Male
- Mandatory Reporting
- Manual NOA
- Match
- MC 176P
- MC 176W
- MC 219
- MC 222
- MC 239
- MC Access Program
- MC Benefits
- MC Program Coordinator
- MC RD Packet
- MC Suspension
- MC13
- MCAP Transition to MC
- MEDI Reserve System
- MEDI Treatments
- Medi-Cal
- Medi-Cal Access Program
- Medi-Cal Benefit Assistance Office
- Medi-Cal Card Use
- Medi-Cal Data Systems
- Medi-Cal Eligibility Period
- Medi-Cal Fraud Referrals
- Medi-Cal ID Card Format
- Medi-Cal Special Treatment Programs
- Medical
- Medical Devices
- Medical Institution
- Medical Parole
- Medical Probation
- Medical Record
- Medical Service
- Medical Services
- Medicare Card
- Medicare Deductible
- Medicare Number
- Medigap
- MEDS Alerts
- MEDS Functionality
- MEDS INQB Screen
- MEDS Screens
- Men
- Mental Disease
- Mental Health Applicants
- Mental Health Managed Care
- Mental Health Statement
- Mental Health Treatment Limitations
- Mexi-Cal RX
- MFBU Determination
- MFBU Requirements
- MFBU Rules
- Migrant Worker
- Miller
- Mineral Rights
- Minor Mother
- Mixed MC
- Monitoring
- Monthly
- Monthly Reapplications
- MOPI Screen
- MSTP Aid Codes
- MSTP-Supplement
- Multiple Dwelling Home
- Multiple Transfers
- Mutual Funds
- National Defense Authorization
- Native American Indians
- Net Market Value
- No Determination
- No Linkage
- No Ownership
- NOA Requirement
- NOAs
- Non SSI/SSP ID Card Replacement
- Non-Allowable Expense
- Non-Custodial
- Non-Managed Care
- Non-medical Institution
- Non-Tax
- Official Telephonic Signature Process
- OHC Codes
- OHC Priority
- OHC Removal
- OHC Termination
- One Time Only Rule
- OP
- Open Enrollment
- Optional TMC Members
- Oral Trusts
- Organ Transplant
- Other Institutions
- Out of Home
- Out-of-State Billing
- Outgoing ICT
- Outpatient Services
- Outstation
- Overpayment Overview
- Overpayment Period
- Overpayment Referral Procedures
- Overpayment Responsibility
- Overpayment Rules
- Overpayments
- Ownership Share
- Packet
- Paid
- Paid in Cash
- Paper Benefits ID Card
- Paper Card
- Paper Card for Non-SSI/SSP
- Paper Pregnancy
- Parental Deeming
- Part D
- Passport
- PE
- PE Covered Services
- Pending List
- Pension
- Per Diem
- Personal Care Services
- Pettit
- PG&E
- PG&E Settlement
- Phone
- Placement
- Plan
- Postpartum Benefits
- Postpartum Program
- Potential Overpayment
- Potential Overpayment - Property
- Pre-Release Application
- Pregnancy Rules
- Pregnant Individuals
- Pregnant Inmates
- Pregnant Minors
- Pregnant Women
- Premium Reimbursement
- Prescription
- Presumed Maximum Value
- Presumptive Eligibility
- Presumptive SSI
- Principe Exemption
- Private Carrier
- Private Health Insurance
- Private Pay Rate
- Problem Form
- Program Abuse
- Program Determination
- Projected
- Prop 103
- Property Assessment
- Property Limits
- Property Test
- Property Waiver
- Property Waiver Program
- Property Worksheet
- Prostate Cancer
- Prosthesis
- Provider Billing Error
- Provider Reimbursement
- Public Health Insurance
- Public Institutions
- Qualifying
- Qualifying Criteria
- Quick Sort Transfer
- Quilling
- Radcliffe
- Radiation
- Railroad
- Railroad Retirement
- Ramirez
- Ramos
- Reasonable Opporunity
- Reclocation Assistance
- Reconsideration of Denial
- Recording
- Recurring Expenses
- Redress
- Reentry Facilities
- Referrals to MBA
- Refuge Tracking Indicator
- Refugees
- Refugees Discontinued from SSI
- Refusal
- Release of Medi-Cal Eligibility Information
- Reminder
- Renal Dialysis
- Rental Income
- Repayment
- Replacement
- Reported
- Reporting
- Reporting Numbers
- Reporting Requirements
- Reprtints
- Resettlement and Matching Grants
- Residence
- Resource Limits
- Restoration of Benefits
- Restricted Accounts
- Retirement Survivors
- Retroactive Eligibility
- Retroactive RMA/EMA Eligibility
- Return to CalWORKs
- Returned Undeliverable Cards
- Reverse Annuity Mortgage
- Revolving Door
- Rexaminations
- Ricky Ray
- RMA/EMA Discontinuance
- Role of Resettlement Agency
- RV
- Saldivar
- Sale Leaseback
- San Andreas Regional Center
- Sawyer
- SB104
- SB75
- SCD 1475
- SCD 169
- SD AB720
- Second Contact
- Self-Employed
- Self-Employment
- Senate Bill
- Senior Citizens Rent Assistance
- Separate Property
- Separated
- Service Restrictions
- Service Summary
- Set-Aside
- Settlement
- Severely Impaired
- Shalala
- Share of Cost Record System
- Share of Cost Reversal
- Sharing
- Shelter
- Shewry
- Signature
- Single Parent
- Single Streamline Application
- Six Months
- Size
- Skilled Nursing
- Sneede v Kizer
- Social Insurance
- Social Service
- SOCO Transactions
- SOCR Screen
- Soft Pause
- Special Circumstances
- Special Deduction
- Special Enrollment
- Special Institutional Programs
- Special Investigation Unit
- Special Needs Trust
- Special Referral
- Special Treatment
- Specialized Adaptive Equipment
- Specific Considerations
- Sponsor
- Spousal Impoverishment
- Spouses
- SSI Advocacy
- SSI Overpayments
- SSI/SSP BIC Replacement
- State
- State Inmate Aid Codes
- State MCIEP
- Status for Refugees
- Status Reports
- Stocks
- Student
- Student Loans
- Students
- Subsidy
- Sudan
- Super Liability
- Supplement
- Supplemental Forms
- Support Payments
- Surrendered
- Susan Walker
- Suspension
- Swoap
- T Visa
- Targeted Low-Income
- Tax Credit
- Tax Dependency
- Tax Penalties
- Tax Refunds
- Taxes
- TB
- TB Application Packet
- TB Application Process
- TB Covered Services
- TB Income Determination
- TB Income Standards
- TB Program
- TB Program Redetermination
- TB Property Limit
- Telephone Signature
- Telephone Signature Workaround
- Temporary Absence
- Temporary Cards
- Ten Day Reporting Requirement
- Terminating Benefits
- Termination of TMC
- Termination of URM
- Text
- Therapeutic Abortiion
- Therapeutic Wages
- Third Party
- Tickler
- Time Sale
- Tinoco
- TMC Discontinuance
- TMC Overview
- TMC Redetermination
- TMC Status Report
- Total Ineligibility
- Trafficking
- Trafficking Victim
- Trailers
- Transfer of Property
- Transferred Asset
- Transfers
- Transmittal Forms
- Transportation Cost
- Triwest
- Trust Deeds
- Tuberculosis
- Tuberculosis Institution
- Two Contact
- Two-Plan Model
- Types
- Types of Potential Medi-Cal Overpayments
- U Visa
- Ukrainian Arrivals
- Unaccompanied Refugee Minor
- Unavailable
- Unavailable Income
- Unavailable OHC
- Unavailable property
- Unconditionally
- Undeclared Status
- Under 21
- Undocumented
- Undocumented Immigrants in LTC
- Unemployment Insurance
- Unmarried Father
- URM Redetermination
- VA
- Value Table
- Veterans Administration
- Veterans' Aid
- Veterans' Benefits
- Victim
- Visa
- VOLAG Contact
- Voluntary Payment Program
- Waived Property
- Waivers
- Wet Signature
- Whereabouts Unknown
- Who Can Apply
- Withdrawals
- Woman
- Women
- Woods
- Work Number
- Work Subsidies
- Workers' Comp
- Working Individuals
- Written Trusts
- Z Codes
- Zero
- Zero Income
- Zero SOC
Overview of the Managed Care Two-Plan Model
Managed care plans available in Santa Clara County:
Medi-Cal (MC) recipients who enroll in a MC Managed Care Plan (MCP) must seek medical care from a participating physician and cannot go outside the plan for medical care with the exception of life-threatening emergency room care and non-covered services (i.e. dental care).
To be eligible for Kaiser Health Plan enrollment, members must meet one of the following criteria:
- They were a Kaiser member in the last twelve months,
- They are an immediate family member of a current Kaiser Permanente member, including being a member's:
- Spouse or domestic partner;
- Dependent child under age 26;
- Stepchild under age 26;
- Disabled dependent over age 21;
- Parent or stepparent of a member under age 26;
- Grandparent, guardian, foster parent or other relative of a beneficiary under age 26, or
- A foster child or former foster child,
- Dual eligibles with both Medicare and Medi-Cal.
Health care is provided to certain MC recipients through Fee-For-Service benefits. This means that some MC clients may receive medical care from an individual doctor, dentist, pharmacy, etc. of choice who accepts the client as a MC patient.
MC Fee-for-Service benefits do not restrict or require that clients receive their medical care from specified healthcare providers. Fee-for-Service medical providers are individually reimbursed by MC for specific services or procedures performed.
Not all providers accept Fee-for-Service MC. It is the client's responsibility to determine whether a provider accepts Fee-for-Service MC before treatment.
Medi-Cal Rx
Effective April 1, 2021, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is transitioning all Medi-Cal Pharmacy services to the Fee for Service (FFS) delivery system – Medi-Cal Managed Care health plans will no longer manage the pharmacy part of the Medi-Cal benefit package. This new model of delivering Medi-Cal pharmacy benefits and services (administered by DHCS and contractor Magellan) will be identified collectively as “Medi-Cal Rx”. Medi-Cal Rx does not affect Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) plans, Senior Care Action Network (SCAN) and Cal MediConnect health plans, or the Major Risk Medical Insurance Program (MRMIP). Individuals will need to present their Medi-Cal Beneficiary Identification Card (BIC) to access pharmacy services.
Medi-Cal Rx Customer Service Center line: 1-800-977-2273 or 711 for TTY.
Managed Care Enrollment
DHCS has standardized which aid code categories require mandatory managed care enrollment, voluntary enrollment, or are mandatory Fee-For-Service.
Mandatory Enrollment
Enrollment in one of the Managed Care Plans (MCP) is mandatory for individuals who:
- Reside in the county,
- Receive full-scope Medi-Cal benefits, and
- Are not required to pay a share-of-cost (SOC).
Voluntary Enrollment
Enrollment is voluntary for some MC recipients and they will have the option to opt in or opt out of managed care enrollment.
Exemptions from Enrollment
The following MC Recipients are exempt from mandatory enrollment and will remain in Fee-for-Service:
- Recipients with a Share of Cost (SOC), excluding LTC SOC.
Some special populations which can include individuals with a complex or high-risk medical condition (this includes ANY PREGNANCY) who must continue to be treated by a provider or providers who are not affiliated with either Two-Plan Model program may request an exemption.
See the DHCS website, or refer to the Aid Codes and Managed Care Enrollment Chart for additional information on managed care enrollment requirements.
Note: Individuals who do not enroll in a managed care plan will only be eligible for Fee-for-Service MC.
Managed Care Plan Providers are Not Other Health Coverage
The provider under an MCP should not be listed as Other Health Coverage in CalSAWS. For example, the client may have selected Kaiser as their Health Plan choice, however, the OHC code is still “N”. The only time that Kaiser information should be entered into CalSAWS is when it is a private or group health insurance plan.
Related Topics
Health Care Options Enrollment Contractor
Managed Care for Mental Health Services
Coordinated Care Initiative - Cal MediConnect
Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Program
Removal of OHC Codes for Victims of Domestic Violence
OHC for Foster Care/Adoption Assistance Children
Repayment for Medical Services