Ineligible Non-citizen, Ineligible ABAWD and SSN Excluded Members

Definition [63-503.442]

This section describes the treatment of persons excluded from the CalFresh household due to:

  • Ineligible noncitizen status,
  • Ineligible ABAWD status, or
  • Refusal or failure without good cause to obtain or provide a SSN.

Household Size

Do not include the excluded member(s) when determining the household's size.

Categorical Eligibility

Households with a member excluded for ineligible noncitizen status, Ineligible ABAWD status or failure to provide a SSN may be CE. Refer to Categorically Eligible (CE) Households for further information.


Prorate the nonexempt income of members excluded for SSN disqualified status, Ineligible ABAWD status or Ineligible noncitizen status and count it as income to the CalFresh household members by following the formula or the chart below. Do NOT use these methods for combined (undifferentiated) payments. Refer to Combined Payment for their proration method.


Nonexempt income of SSN disqualified persons divided by total number of CalFresh-eligible members, IPV/work sanctioned excluded members and SSN disqualified excluded persons X CalFresh eligible members and IPV/ work sanctioned excluded members = Income counted to CalFresh HH.
Nonexempt income of Ineligible Noncitizen individuals, divided by total number of CalFresh eligible members, IPV/work sanctioned excluded members and ineligible noncitizen excluded persons X CalFresh eligible members and IPV/ work sanctioned excluded members = Income counted to CalFresh HH.
Nonexempt income of Ineligible ABAWD, divided by total number of CalFresh eligible members, IPV/work sanctioned excluded members and ineligible ABAWD excluded persons X CalFresh eligible members and IPV/ work sanctioned excluded members = Income counted to CalFresh HH.


Procedure - Noncitizen Excluded Member

  1. Count the total NONEXEMPT income of all persons excluded due to Ineligible Noncitizen status.
  2. Determine the number of household members by adding:
    1. All CalFresh-eligible household members,
    2. ALL excluded IPV/work sanctioned members, fleeing felons, parole and probation violators, and
    3. All ineligible noncitizen excluded persons.
  3. Divide nonexempt income of excluded noncitizens by the number of household members.
  4. Multiply this amount by the number of eligible CalFresh household members plus excluded IPV/work sanctioned members and count this amount as income to the CalFresh household.
  5. Subtract the earned income deduction from the prorated income which is counted toward the CalFresh household.

Procedure - SSN Disqualified Excluded Member

  1. Count the total NONEXEMPT income of all persons excluded due to SSN disqualified status.
  2. Determine the number of household members by adding:
    1. All CalFresh-eligible household members,
    2. ALL excluded IPV/work sanctioned members including, fleeing felons, parole and probation violators, and
    3. All SSN disqualified excluded members.
  3. Divide nonexempt income of excluded SSN persons by the number of household members.
  4. Multiply this amount by the number of eligible CalFresh household members plus excluded IPV/work sanctioned members and count this amount as income to the CalFresh household.
  5. Subtract the earned income deduction from the prorated income which is counted toward the CalFresh household.

Procedure - Ineligible ABAWD Excluded Member

  1. Count the total NONEXEMPT income of all persons excluded due to Ineligible ABAWD status.
  2. Determine the number of household members by adding:
    1. All CalFresh-eligible household members,
    2. ALL excluded IPV/work sanctioned members including, fleeing felons, parole and probation violators, and
    3. All ineligible ABAWD excluded persons.
  3. Divide nonexempt income of excluded ABAWDs by the number of household members.
  4. Multiply this amount by the number of eligible CalFresh household members plus excluded IPV/work sanctioned members and count this amount as income to the CalFresh household.
  5. Subtract the earned income deduction from the prorated income which is counted toward the CalFresh household.

Combined Payment

When a combined (undifferentiated) payment (e.g. CalWORKs grant) is issued for both eligible CalFresh HH members and excluded ineligible noncitizen, ineligible ABAWDs or SSN disqualified members, the combined payment is SINGLE prorated between the persons for whom it was ISSUED.

The rule that “if one excluded noncitizen has income, count all noncitizens in the proration of the income”, if one excluded ineligible ABAWD has income, count all ineligible ABAWDs in the proration of the income” and/or “if one excluded SSN disqualified member has income, count all SSN disqualified members in the proration of the income” does NOT apply to combined (undifferentiated) income.


HH composition: Mother (undocumented noncitizen) and two (citizen) children. The two children receive CalWORKs of $608. One of the children has been hospitalized since birth and is not receiving CalFresh.

  1. Divide (prorate) the combined payment by the number of persons for whom it was issued.
    1. $608 divided by 2 equals $304.00.
  2. Multiply the prorated amount from STEP 1 by the number of CalFresh eligible members for whom it was issued.
    1. $304.00 times 1 equals $304.00.
  3. Count the amount determined in STEP 2 in the CalFresh budget.

HH composition: Father (undocumented); Mother (legal noncitizen), and her 2 (citizen) children. The mother and two children receive CalWORKs of $752. Only the children are on CalFresh.

  1. Divide (prorate) the combined payment by the number of persons for whom it was issued.
    1. $752 divided by 3 equals $250.67
      1. (Note: The father is NOT included in the proration of the CalWORKs grant since the grant does not include him.)

  2. Multiply the prorated amount from STEP 1 by the number of CalFresh eligible members for whom the payment was issued.
    1. $250.67 times 2 equals $501.34
  3. Count the amount determined in STEP 2 in the CalFresh budget.

Housing, Utilities, and Dependent Care [63-502.36]

Follow this chart to determine how to count the housing, dependent care, and child support deductions of a CalFresh household which has excluded members due to SSN disqualified/ineligible noncitizen status. Apply these rules whether the excluded person’s income is exempt or nonexempt.

If... Then...
  • None of the SSN/Noncitizen/Ineligible ABAWDs excluded members have income, and
  • None of the SSN/noncitizen/Ineligible ABAWDs excluded members contribute to the expense,
Count the full amount of the expense to the CalFresh HH.
  • Only the excluded member(s) has income, 
  • CalFresh HH eligible members & excluded members pool income to pay deductions 
  • CalFresh HH members & excluded members have income, & the excluded member pays the entire expense.

Prorate the expense.

Note: SUA, LUA and TUA are NEVER prorated.

Refer to Ineligible Non-citizen/ABAWD or SSN Disqualified Excluded Members for information regarding who is considered a contributor and included in the proration of expenses.

  • CalFresh HH members & excluded members have income, & the excluded member pays a flat amount.

Prorate the expense.

Note: SUA, LUA and TUA are NEVER prorated.


Follow the chart below to determine what and where to document for a CalFresh household with an SSN/noncitizen status excluded household member.


Does excluded member have income? (Follow CalFresh verification requirements.)

Budget computations used to determine the amount of:

  • Income prorated to the CalFresh HH from the excluded member
  • CalFresh HH's allowable deductions.
  • DFA 285-A2/SAWS 2, (only at application/ recertification), OR
  • Maintain Case Comments window.

At intake/recertification,

When there is a change in:

  • Excluded member's income, OR
  • CalFresh HH's housing, utility, dependent care, or medical expenses.

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Summary Chart