Nonexempt Unearned Income

The total amount of nonexempt unearned income is considered net income to the family with certain exceptions. Some specific types of unearned income are allowed expense deductions, e.g., nonexempt educational loans, etc. The allowable deductions are discussed below in relation to specific income.

Restricted Income of a Child

The caretaker relative cannot request that a child be excluded from the AU to avoid using the child's restricted income in the eligibility and budget computations. When a child is an AU family member, the income of that child must be considered. If the child is excluded due to a sanction, the EW must count that child's income to the AU, but not allow their needs.

Exception: This rule does not apply to step-siblings and half-siblings whose needs are excluded due to voluntary exclusion. Refer to Excluded Step-Sibling/Half-Sibling for additional information.

These payments are considered as satisfying, in whole or in part, the absent parent’s child support obligation.

Related Topics

Income in Kind

Social Security, Railroad Retirement and Other Pensions

Social Security Benefits for Children

Social Security Benefits of a Minor Parent

Other Unearned Income

Child Support

Disability Benefits Other than Disability Based Income

Income from Property

Foster Care Related Income

Income Tax Refunds

Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB)

Veterans Benefits

Student Income