Social Security, Railroad Retirement and Other Pensions

[EAS 44-113.3]

Net income from Social Security or from Railroad Retirement Benefits is the amount reasonably anticipated to be paid to or on behalf or a member of the AU in the SAR Payment Period. Continuing payments for social insurance programs are counted as net unearned income in the month received.

Exception: SSDI is counted as disability based income. Refer to Disability Based Income [W & I Code 11451.51]. 

The net income is the amount received or, if the individual is required to pay income tax on such income or has other expenses in receiving such income, net income is the amount received less these expenses.

If the client receives Social Security benefits for a child who is not in the home and uses those funds to meet the needs of the AU, count the amount received as income to the AU. If those funds are sent to the child or to the caretaker/relative of the child, only count the amount kept by the client.

Exception: Derivative benefits from Social Security such as; survivors, disability, retirement, or other government programs paid to or on behalf of an MFG child based on the absent parent’s disability or retirement are exempt as income in the eligibility and grant computation.


The EW must verify the amount of Social Security benefits by seeing a photocopy of the award letter. If that document is unavailable, or if increases have occurred so that the letter does not reflect current income, the EW must follow procedures below:

Social Security Benefits

View the current benefit check or a current award letter. If not available, benefits can be verified through the IEVS Applicant System “Individual Inquiry Summary” or through the MEDS Screens (SDX and/or BENDEX). When verification is not available through any of these sources, the EW may send “Referral To/From Social Security” (SC 169) to the nearest SSA office. Document on the Journal Detail page or SAWS 2 the amount of the Social Security, the type of benefit (i.e., retirement, disability or survivors) and how the verification was obtained.

Exception: When Social Security benefits are paid to a representative payee on behalf of a member of the AU and the representative payee does not live in the same household as the AU, the Social Security benefits are counted as income only to the extent the representative payee makes them available for the support of the beneficiary.

Reminder: The EW must advise the caretaker/relative in writing to request a change of payee for the child. They are asking the Social Security Administration to have the benefits paid to the person responsible for the care of the individual. If the individual fails or refuses to comply, they are not applying for potentially available income and the EW must take appropriate action. Refer to Potentially Available Income [EAS 82-610, 44-103] for more information concerning the responsibility to apply for and accept potentially available income.

Veterans Assistance (VA) Benefits

View a current benefit check and document on the Journal Detail. If the individual has no award letter and is receiving VA benefits, the EW must send a CW 5 to the CVSO for verification.

Other Pensions

View a current benefit check and document on the Journal Detail page. If the applicant/recipient does not have or cannot easily obtain an award notice, send a letter requesting the amount, duration and reason for the benefit along with a signed “Authorization for Release of Information” (CSF 13) to the agency which administers the pension.

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Income in Kind

Social Security Benefits for Children

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