Other Unearned Income
Voluntary Contributions and Gifts
Count any voluntary contributions and gifts as net unearned income in the period received unless exempt.
Refer to the Infrequent or Irregular Income section of Exempt/Excluded Income for information on Infrequent/Irregular Income.
Department of Defense Family Subsistence Supplemental Allowance Benefits (FSSA)
The Department of Defense pays certain service members and their families a FSSA of not more than $500 so they will not rely on the Food Stamp program to meet their nutritional needs. FSSA benefits are to be treated as unearned income. The amount of the FSSA is shown on the service members leave and earnings statement which is the standard wage information form used by the military.
Aid Received from Another State
Aid payments received from another state are considered unearned income in the grant computation.
Suspended SSI/SSP Benefits
Persons determined by Social Security to be disabled (based on Drug and Alcohol Addiction) and then suspended from receiving SSI/SSP payments are eligible for CalWORKs, if other eligibility criteria is met.
Once CalWORKs is established, the individual’s Medi-Cal benefits are linked to their CalWORKs eligibility, not their SSI/SSP status.
For a complete discussion concerning the treatment of income from the FEMA or the IFGP. Refer to Disaster Relief Payments [EAS 44-111.6].
Employment Service Job Corps Income
Refer to Earned Income [EAS 44-101.5] [W & I Code 11451.5] for a complete discussion concerning the treatment of income from CWES, JTPA, or Job Corps.
Refunds of Retirement Contributions
[EAS 44-113.6]
Nonrecurring lump sum refunds of both the employer’s and the employee’s share of retirement contributions are treated as property.
Recurring interest earned on the accumulated retirement contributions is treated as unearned income in the month it is reasonably anticipated to be received. If the interest payment is nonrecurring, it must be treated as property.
Nutrition Assistance Program (NAP)
NAP is a food program that provides cash benefits. NAP is provided in certain areas (i.e., Puerto Rico, American Samoa, or the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianna Islands.) When a family moves from an area with NAP, the monthly dollar amount of the NAP cash benefits is treated as unearned income when determining CalWORKs eligibility and benefit amounts.
If the client is reimbursed for on the job expenses, such as mileage for calling on clients or meals provided to day care children, only the amount which exceeds the cost to the client is counted as income. The client's statement regarding the cost is acceptable verification if the client is unable to provide receipts.
If the client receives a return of their own previous expenditures, this is not considered income. It is property in the month of receipt. This occurs in situations where a landlord or other person returns to our client monies that were paid in excess of the charges.
Related Topics
Social Security, Railroad Retirement and Other Pensions
Social Security Benefits for Children
Social Security Benefits of a Minor Parent
Disability Benefits Other than Disability Based Income
Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB)