Social Security Benefits of a Minor Parent

[EAS 44-113.3]

When the minor parent receives the benefit directly from SSA, it is counted as unearned income, unless disability based.

When the aided minor parent lives in the home of his/her non-needy parent and the non-needy parent receives the SSA benefit on the minor's behalf, then the AMOUNT OF SOCIAL SECURITY paid on behalf of the minor parent will be counted as either unearned income or disability based income to the AU.

When the minor parent does not live with his/her parent but the Social Security benefit is paid to the minor's parent, the amount of income which is actually made “available” to the minor parent by his/her parent will be counted as either unearned or disability based income.

  • Made “available” means the amount of Social Security turned over to the minor parent voluntarily.
  • The minor parent must apply to have the Social Security benefit sent directly to her. The EW must inform the client of this requirement and obtain verification from SSA that it has been done.

Availability Determination

In order to determine how much is made available to the minor parent, the EW must:

  • Advise the applicant or recipient minor parent that the Social Security is being paid for the minor parent and therefore should be made available to him/her.
  • Obtain verification of the amount in the form of a "Sworn Statement" (GEN 853) signed by the minor parent and by the senior parent.
  • If the minor parent fails to provide a statement, aid must be denied or discontinued for failure to provide essential information.
  • If the senior parent refuses to sign the statement or is unable to sign a statement under penalty of perjury due to exceptional circumstances (i.e., religious convictions), the fact should be documented on the GEN 853 by the minor parent and the statement accepted.


The minor parent is responsible for reporting the amount of the Social Security on the SAR 7. If the amount of the “available” Social Security changes, a new GEN 853 must be submitted by the minor parent.

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