Procedures for FR (AB 429) Cases

Identified by DFCS ER Clerical

The following are procedures for setting up a FR (AB 429) case when a child is removed from the home while receiving CalWORKs assistance:

  1. The DFCS SW receives an ER Referral from the clerk.

If CalWORKs case...

Then the SW...

Is now closed,

  • Assesses the client’s economic resources and vulnerabilities.
    • If the client is interested, then the SW:
      • Completes and gives an SCZ 1812 to the client if the client is interested to apply for benefits.
      • Instructs the client to submit the SCZ 1812 to the Benefits intake office.
    • If the client is not interested, then the SW:
      • Takes no further action to refer the client. 

will open a case,

  • Receives the SCD/SCZ 1811 from clerical and/or from the DFCS Partnership SW Analyst.
  • Refers the client for AB 429 by completing the SCZ 1811.
  • Receives informational and reminder email about AB 429 from DFCS Partnership SW Analyst, if no SCD 1811 referral for potentially eligible client is submitted.
  1. The DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison
    1. Retrieves SCD/SCZ 1811.
    2. Ensures the referral meets the common case criteria.
    3. Emails the EW of record to open the CalWORKs case per BEnDS 2009-05.
  2. The EW Supervisor and/or Eligibility Worker:
    1. Refers to the BEnDS 2009-05 for instructions to set up Reunification Program if there are no eligible children.
    2. Sets up a case-to-case alert six months from the FR (AB 429) case plan date within five (5) days from the time of request.

Note: If there is continued eligibility due to other children in the home, discontinue the child only.

  • This is not a reunification case.
  • Explores Medi-Cal eligibility.
  • Sends email to DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison to inform the CalWORKs case has been set up.
  • Maintains case and does semi-annual determination if the case receives CalFresh or conducts a six-month redetermination.
  1. The DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison:
    1. Notifies the appropriate Partnership EC Supervisor.
    2. Notifies Partnership SW Analyst.
    3. Notifies DFCS SW.
  2. The Partnership EC Supervisor:
    1. Receives notice of FR (AB 429) status.
    2. Requests for transfer of cases to Partnership EC.
    3. Reviews the case status.

If client’s status is....



  • Changes the status to Curing Sanction.
  • Informs the DFCS Partnership SW and the DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison of the sanction status.
  • Requests the case from CM, if appropriate, or
  • Assigns the case to the appropriate Partnership EC.
  1. The Partnership EC:
  • Receives original SCD 1811 from the DFCS SW that includes the recommended FR activities.
  • Conducts case conference with the client and the DFCS SW, if available.
  • Reviews the WTW plan with the parent and identifies the plan components and services that are appropriate to incorporate into the FR (AB 429) plan.
  • Sends a copy of the revised SCD 1811 to the DFCS SW if the SW is not able to attend the meeting.
  • Monitors the parents’ participation in CWES activities.
  • Obtains the original SCD/SCZ 1811 from the DFCS SW.
  • Issues supportive services for the FR activities.
  • Mails WTW 34 NOA.
  • Sends SCD 1811 and WTW 34 to IDM.
  • Documents in Maintain Case Comments that this client is AB 429 whose FR plan is being used in lieu of the WTW Plan.
  • Continues open communications with the DFCS SW regarding the client’s progress, issues, resources, etc.
  • Documents Maintain Case Comments, as appropriate.

If the client...


Has agreed to an FR Plan and a WTW Plan and
later fails to participate with the WTW activities,

  • Does NOT initiate non-compliance nor sanction the client.
  • Contacts the client to determine good cause.
  • Stops the supportive services for the activit(ies) the client is no longer attending.
  • Continues supportive services for the activities the client actually attends (DFCS activities).
  • Communicates with the DFCS SW regarding the noncooperation.
  1. The Partnership EC and DFCS SW meets with the client for purposes of case planning.
  2. The DFCS SW notifies the Partnership EC of any relevant changes affecting the parents’ ability to participate in the WTW program, reunification plan services, or that reunification has occurred.
  3. The DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison:
    1. Contacts the EW to let him/her know the reunification status.
    2. Informs the client that the EW will be contacting him/her when reunification occurs.
    3. Sends email to CCS Continuing Priority address flagged as “Urgent” to open a TMT request when reunification occurs.
  4. The EW:
    1. Contacts the client to schedule an appointment to reestablish aid, or
    2. Discontinues the case when there is no longer a reunification plan
  5. The Client:
    1. Receives notification for appointment.
    2. Completes scheduled interview with the EW.
  6. The EW:
    1. Conducts interview.
    2. Gathers all necessary verifications.
    3. Runs EDBC and authorizes aid.
    4. Indicates the disposition on the SCZ 1812, signs it, and forwards a copy to the DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison.
  7. The DFCS CalWORKs EW Liaison:
    1. Receives SCZ 1812 indicating CalWORKs is open.
    2. Ensures the Partnership EC is informed.

Identified at Orientation

The following are procedures when a client is identified as a participant in the FR (AB 429) program at the point of CWES Orientation.

  1. The Engagement EC:
    1. Identifies the client as a participant of FR Program (AB 429).
    2. Proceeds with the Orientation presentation.
    3. Explains to the client that the case will be transferred to the Partnership EC who will contact him/her for an appointment.
    4. Informs the Partnership EC Supervisor
  2. The Partnership EC Supervisor:
    1. Reviews the AB 429 case.
    2. Assigns case to Partnership EC
  3. The Engagement EC adds the Partnership EC to the case management EC scheduling roster for assignment
  4. The Partnership EC:
    1. Contacts the client for an appointment.
    2. Obtains original SCD 1811 from the DFCS SW.
    3. Follows procedures in Coordinating Case Plan.

Terminating FR (AB 429) Cases

At the termination of the AB 429 case, the CWES case can take different paths:

  1. If the family reunites and the DFCS SW continues to work with the family, the indicator code is updated to identify the case as FM and remains with the Partnership EC if the case continues to meet the Common Case criteria. When the DFCS closes the FM case, the partnership EC transfer the case to CWES Continuing CM if eligible as the case no longer meets the Common Case criteria.
  2. If the family fails to reunite, the DFCS SW closes the case. The Benefits case closes which causes the WTW status to change to “Ineligible” and the case is sent to the Closed Case Bank.

Related Topics

Family Reunification Services Only (AB 429)

Identifying Common Cases

Integrated Common Case Plan