INQ1 - Special Program 1 Information
Displays current, pending and 12 history months of eligibility information for regular Medi-Cal and CMSP programs.
- It is the first special program screen that identifies which special program Medi-Cal benefits are issued (e.g., Foster Care (42, 4M), QMB (80), Accelerated Enrollment (8E), CHDP Gateway (8W, 8U), etc.).
To Obtain
- Select option by typing ‘Q1’ in the [INQS] screen and press Enter, or
- From any of the queried individual’s response screens, type ‘Q1’ in the Option field and press Enter.
Note: To see detailed health plan information listed on the screen below, place the cursor under the plan number and click the <F13> function key on the bottom of the MEDS screen or press <Shift + F1> function key on the keyboard. This feature is available on every MEDS screen that displays an HCP number.
Related Topics
INQ2 - Special Program 2 Information
INQ3 - Special Program 3 Information Screen
INQ4 - Pending Medi-Cal/CMSP Information
INQ5 - Future Pending Medi-Cal/CMSP Information
INQ6 - Medi-Cal/CMSP - 13-15 Months Prior