Recipient Inquiry Screens
The recipient inquiry request screens are displayed below in numerical order first and then by alphabetical order. Each screen contains a brief description, how to obtain it, and a sample screen print.
Most of the recipient inquiry screens contain calendars to display current, pending and historical information. All of the calendars display:
Current month information in the left-hand column. The heading over the column identifies the MEDS/CDB current month/year.
The next column (under the heading PEND) displays pending information effective for the upcoming month at the next MEDS/CDB renewal.
The remaining columns display a 12-month history calendar, which contain January through December.
The calendar year is identified above the calender month with the current year above the current calendar month.
An arrow runs to the right over to the month that is the same month as the current MEDS/CDB month but in the prior year.
Above that month is the prior year and an arrow runs to the right edge of the calendar.
Click herehere to view a sample screen of the Recipient Inquiry screens.
Related Topics
INQ1 - Special Program 1 Information
INQ2 - Special Program 2 Information
INQ3 - Special Program 3 Information Screen
INQ4 - Pending Medi-Cal/CMSP Information
INQ5 - Future Pending Medi-Cal/CMSP Information
INQ6 - Medi-Cal/CMSP - 13-15 Months Prior