Benefit Identification Card (BIC) Issuance
The BIC is automatically issued for all eligibility programs except Minor Consent when:
- Eligibility is approved and the client has not already been issued a BIC, or
- Client’s date of birth is changed, or
- BIC is returned to EDS due to an undeliverable address but the address on MEDS has changed since the BIC was issued.
A new BIC will not be issued when the MEDS-ID changes from a Pseudo to a Social Security Number (SSN) as the Client Index Number (CIN) remains unchanged.
All other changes will require the EW to request a replacement BIC. Including:
- Initial card issued with incorrect CIN, or
- Corrected an incorrect SSN and a new CIN is assigned, or
- BIC is returned to EDS due to an undeliverable address and the address on MEDS has NOT been updated since the BIC was issued, or
- Replacement card requested by recipient.
Refer to CalSAWS , “Job Aid (JA) Requesting a Benefit Identification Card (BIC) Replacement”, for procedure on how to request a replacement card.
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Approvals - General Information
Approvals - MEDS/CDB - No Prior MEDS/CDB Record(s)
Approvals - MEDS/CDB - Prior MEDS/CDB Record(s)
250% Working Disabled Program Approval