AP19 Transactions to MEDS

The AP19 (Citizenship Status/Identity Verification) transaction is designed to process citizenship and identity information. However, when an application is initially submitted in CoveredCA portal, the HX19 transaction is used for verifying citizenship and identity and for requesting a birth match.

Methods: The AP19 transaction can be accomplished by:

  • Nightly batch process via CalSAWS/CalHEERs, or
  • Online transaction via entries completed by a MTO via an SCD 1296.

Purposes: The two main purposes of the AP19 transaction include:

  • REPORTING citizenship and identity verification information provided by the client to MEDS; and
  • REQUESTING automated California Birth Record matches for clients who were born in California.

Occurrence: The AP19 can be used to report citizenship only, identity only, or both. Either citizenship or identity can be reported first.

Birth record matches can also be requested on the same transaction. For example, a California-born client provided identity verification but proof of citizenship is missing. The AP19 transaction can be submitted to record identity information and to request a birth match.

Level of Verification: If citizenship or identity has already been verified per MEDS INQE screen and with the current application or redetermination (RE), the client provides:

  • A higher level of verification: The higher level of verification will be reported to MEDS.
  • An equal or lower level of verification: MEDS will ignore the information.

Refer to CalSAWS, "Job Aid (JA) Vital Statistics,” for procedures on how to track the type of citizenship and identity verification provided by US citizens or nationals, request a Vital Statistic Birth match, and request a Social Security match for both citizenship and ID.

Batch AP19 Process

The batch AP19 transaction can be used to report citizenship and/or identity information. It can also be used to request a birth match for clients born in California.

Reporting Citizenship/Identity Information (Batch)

CalSAWS will create an AP19 transaction automatically to report citizenship and/or identification information when EDBC result are accepted and saved during:

  • Initial intake,
  • Adding a person,
  • Reapplication,
  • Retro application, or when the
  • Originally denied application is accepted and saved.

If the citizenship/identification document is valid and the client claims to be a U.S. citizen, the AP19 transaction will be created. If the client is not claiming U.S. citizenship, an AP19 transaction will not be created.

Follow the procedures below to report citizenship and/or identification information via a batch AP19 transaction:

To Report


Citizenship at Initial Authorization (e.g., intake, reapplication, add a person)

  1. Complete Vital Statistics Detail page.
  2. Run EDBC, and accept and save.
  3. Check the INQE screen in two working days to ensure citizenship information is properly recorded in MEDS.

Identity at Initial Authorization (e.g., intake, reapplication, add a person)

  1. Complete Vital Statistics Detail page.
  2. Run EDBC, and accept and save.
  3. Check the INQE screen in two working days to ensure citizenship information is properly recorded in MEDS

Requesting Vital Statistics Birth Match (Batch)

A Vital Statistics Birth Match can be requested from MEDS for individuals who were born in California that are unable to provide other documentation. Prior to requesting a Vital Statistics match, the Individual Demographics Detail page must be matched against MEDS. When there is an existing, the birth date must match the birth date in MEDS prior to requesting a match. Any error(s) should be resolved before you request a match.

Follow the procedures below to request Vital Statistics Birth Match:

To Request


Vital Statistics Birth Match

  1. Complete Individual Demographics Detail page.
  2. Complete Vital Statistics Detail page. To request a match, you must enter the person's name and birth state. You should complete the Birth State/US Territory drop down list, Birth City field and Birth Certificate information page section if the information is known or available.
  3. Select Pending status in the Verified drop down list.
  4. Complete and Save the page. The page will refresh and display in View mode.
  5. Check the INQE screen in two working days to see the match result, if there is:
    1. A Match, enter birth data (Source, Doc #) into CalSAWS on DRA Detail tab of the Vital Statistics Detail page.
    2. No Match, review alert message(s) on INWA screen to determine the reason and correct the problem. If appropriate, resubmit a match request following Procedures 1 - 4 above.

Note: The information entered is sent to MEDS overnight, via the AP 19. Through a MEDS batch process the next day, MEDS verifies the data and sends back an alert. The alert is then loaded into the CalSAWS. This process can take 3-4 business days before the Worker will see the MEDS alert and the result of the request.

Online AP19 Process

In the event that the initial batch AP19 transaction is not successful or when CalSAWS is down, an online AP19 can be requested to report citizenship/ identity verification information and/or request birth record match.

The use of online AP19 transactions should be rare. If the initial batch AP19 fails, the EW should review and correct data entered on the relevant Data Collection pages. 

Note: The exemption codes can only be entered by the state. To record an Exemption or End of Reasonable Opportunity Period for an individual, the EW must submit an SCD 1296 requesting an online entry. Refer to Reporting Exemption/End of Reasonable Opportunity Period (Online) below for instruction.

Reporting Citizenship/Identity Information (Online)

To manually report citizenship and/or identity information provided by the client, complete an SCD 1296 requesting an online AP19 transaction along with appropriate CalSAWS and MEDS screens and CZ/ID type and source (i.e. if CA driver license is used, indicate IDENTITY-DOC-TYPE 2B and IDENTITY-DOC-NO CADLN5512345 as shown on the screen print)on the screen print)

A successful AP19 transaction to report citizenship/identity information must include the following required Data Elements:

    State of birth is required in the US-STATE field if client was born in the United States.
    If the document type indicates a birth record document, the transaction must include the client’s birth name from the birth record document. The birth name can be reported either in CLIENT-NAME or in the CLIENT field under BIRTH-CERTIFICATE-NAMES. If the client’s birth name is reported in CLIENT-NAME, the value “4” must be entered in the NAME-CODE field.
    Not required if document type begins with a 7 (affidavit), 8 (exempt), or 9 (unable to obtain).
    If the document used to verify identity is a California Driver’s License or Identification Card, the actual DL/ID number should also be reported in the CA-DL/ID-NO field.
    Not required if document type begins with 7 (school record, affidavit, Medi-Cal application), 8 (exempt), or 9 (unable to obtain).

Important: For driver’s license and state identification cards, IDENTITY-DOC-NO must include the two character state code, followed by DL (for driver’s license) or ID (for identification card), followed by the unique document number (e.g., NYDL34344411, CAID79799922). For all other documents, IDENTITY-DOC-NO should include either the unique document number or, if there is no unique document number on the document, enter “NONE.”

Requesting Birth Record Match (Online)

To manually request a birth record match for a California-born client, complete an SCD 1296 requesting an online AP19 transaction with a CITIZENSHIP-DOC-TYPE value of “BR” (for birth match request).

Attach with the SCD 1296 a copy of the Collect Individual Demographics Detail page/page section, Vital Statistics Detail page and add following information:

  • Client’s full name on birth certificate (if different),
  • Mother’s maiden name, and if known,
  • Mother’s birthdate and birthplace,
  • Father’s name,
  • Father’s birthdate and birthplace,
  • Client’s birthplace city and/or county,
  • Client’s birth certificate number, if known.

A successful AP19 transactionA successful AP19 transaction to request birth data match must include the following required Data Elements:

  • CLIENT NAME or CLIENT The CLIENT field is displayed under the BIRTH-CERTIFICATE-NAMES field. If client’s birth name is reported in the CLIENT NAME field, the value “4” must also be entered in the NAME-CODE field. Use the adopted name as the birth name if the client was adopted.
  • CITIZENSHIP-DOC-TYPE (Value must be BR)
    • MOTHER (mother’s maiden name in BIRTH-CERTIFICATE-NAMES field)
    • CITIZENSHIP-DOC-NO (client’s birth certificate number).

Note: (1) Reporting additional birth information beyond the minimum fields identified above (including mother’s birthplace, father’s name and/or father’s birthplace) increases the probability that a matching birth record can be found.
(2) To prevent mismatches due to the time lag in the local registrar’s reporting of birth information to the state, birth record match requests for infants under the age of one MUST include either:
o  The Birth Certificate Document Number of the infant, OR

Reporting Exemption/End of Reasonable Opportunity Period (Online)

To manually report an Exemption or End of Reasonable Opportunity status code on MEDS, complete an SCD 1296 requesting an online AP19 transaction along with appropriate CalSAWS and MEDS screens. Follow the steps below:

  • Write the Exemption or End of Reasonable Opportunity Period Status Code on the “Other” section of the form.
  • Review MEDS INQEReview MEDS INQE to ensure the proper code(s) is recorded.

Refer to Citizenship Documentation Exemption Codes and End of Reasonable Opportunity Period Codes for codes displayed on INQE screen.

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