Individual File Clearance
File clearance is the process of checking CalSAWS, CalHEERS, Statewide Client Index (SCI) and MEDS against identifying information provided by the applicant or an individual PRIOR to processing the application or adding a person to determine if the client has a current or previous record.
All individuals must be cleared prior to processing the application or adding a person in CalSAWS to find out whether the individual is known to CalSAWS, CalHEERS, SCI and/or MEDS. File Clearance prevents:
- Creation of duplicate/multiple MEDS records
- Discrepancies between CalSAWS, CalHEERS, and MEDS
- Case serial number and person number errors
- Duplicate issuance of benefits
- Taking over another client’s MEDS record erroneously.
Refer to CalSAWS JA Person Search and JA Establish a Case - Existing Person,” for step-by-step instructions on how to perform person clearance in CalSAWS.
The Client with Two Different MEDS Records
An EW determines if the two different MEDS records actually belong to the individual sent from the county transaction.
- If they do belong to the same individual, then combine the records with an EW11 transaction. If the client also has two CalSAWS (Person ID) records, follow “Example 1: Identifying and Correcting Duplicate Person/CIN in CalSAWS and MEDS” in Duplicate Person/CIN Correction Process.
- If they do not belong to the same individual, determine what client identification information reported on the transaction belongs to the other individual on MEDS and what needs to be done to rectify both records. If unable to resolve the discrepancies, create a GadWIN ticket with detailed description of the issue and CalSAWS/CalHEER/MEDS screen shots.
Determining Whether a MEDS Record Belongs to the Same Individual on the Transaction
- Use the MEDS Name Cross Reference INXN (checking for different names), Case Inquiry INQW and Address Inquiry INQN (checking the family composition)
- Is the MEDS record for the same individual as was reported on the county transaction? Has information on two different individuals been linked to a single MEDS record (found on INXC screen)?
- If information for two different clients has been linked to a single MEDS record, then create a GadWIN ticket with detailed description of the issue and appropriate CalSAWS/CalHEERS and MEDS for assistance on correcting the MEDS and SCI records to reflect information for only one individual (also known as “Mislink” process via a Remedy ticket submitted by MEDS Coordinator to State MEDS Help Desk).
The Transaction MEDS-ID Being Used by a Different Individual
Check to see if the MEDS ID was entered into CalSAWS correctly.
- If the SSN in the county transaction belongs to your client and is being used by another client in your county, use the pseudo for your client while requesting the SSN removal from the other case.
- If the SSN in the county transaction belongs to your client and is being used by a client in other county, use the pseudo for your client while requesting the other county to remove the SSN by creating a GadWIN ticket.
- If the SSN was entered in error, enter the correct SSN in CalSAWS.
The Transaction CIN Belongs to a MEDS Record for a Different Individual
This indicates that an incorrect CIN used in CalSAWS/CalHEERS was selected during person clearance for your client.
- If the incorrect CIN linked with an assigned person number in CalSAWS and its record has not displayed on INXC screen, perform Person Clearance process in CalSAWS to remove the incorrect CIN and to assign a new CIN.
- If the incorrect CIN linked with an assigned person number in CalSAWS and its record has already displayed on INXC screen, create a new person number for your client and do NOT merge the two CINs.
The Transaction Birth Date Does Not Match MEDS for the Same Individual
First establish a record in CalSAWS using the same birth date in MEDS and then verify which date of birth (DOB) is correct.
If a CalHEERS External Referral Data (ERD) was received with incorrect DOB, use CalHEERS DOB when registering the individual in CalSAWS, then run EBDC to send and receive DERs (do NOT accept and save EDBC results at this point) and correct DOB in CalSAWS/CalHEERS to match MEDS.
If the MEDS birth date was verified, refer to “Birthdate Correction in Birthdate/Name/Gender Corrections, for detail instructions on how to correct DOB.
Related Topics
Approvals - General Information
Approvals - MEDS/CDB - No Prior MEDS/CDB Record(s)
Approvals - MEDS/CDB - Prior MEDS/CDB Record(s)
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