Approvals - MEDS/CDB - No Prior MEDS/CDB Record(s)
When entries are made in CalSAWS/CalHEERS to approve a case and/or person, it is programmed to generate the appropriate Add (EW20/HX20 and/or FX20) transactions to the MEDS Network. MEDS/CDB receives the Add transaction(s) and activates a record for the recipient.
Note: An HX20 batch transaction is sent from CalHEERS to MEDS for individuals who initiate their MC application thru CoveredCA website and are conditionally eligible for MAGI MC.
No Prior MEDS/CDB Record(s) - No SSN in CalSAWS/CalHEERS
- If CalSAWS/CalHEERS does not contain a SSN, a pseudo number will be assigned by the MEDS Network as the recipient’s MEDS-ID.
Refer to MEDS-ID (SSN or Pseudo Number) of MEDS HB Chapter 1 for an explanation of MEDS-IDs and Pseudo Numbers.
- If Add transactions are being generated for both MEDS and CDB and the approvals are being generated on different CASE SERIAL NUMBERS, care must be taken to ensure MEDS does NOT establish duplicate MEDS/CDB records on the State database (e.g., CalFresh approval on one case serial number and Medi-Cal approval on another case serial number).
When completing CIN Clearance in CalSAWS for the two cases, ensure the record with the correct CIN for the client is selected.
No Prior MEDS/CDB Record(s) - SSN in CalSAWS
If CalSAWS/CalHEERS contains an SSN, the MEDS Network will use the SSN as the recipient’s MEDS-ID.
Note: The EW should always enter an SSN in MEDS prior to generating an approval/denial transaction, to ensure that the SSN contained in CalSAWS/CalHEERS is not being used by another person/county.
SSN Used on Another MEDS/CDB Record
If CalSAWS contains an SSN that is tied up erroneously on an open/closed MEDS and/or CDB record by another person/county, the MEDS database will reject the Add transaction and generate a CEWA (County Eligibility Worker Alert) to the EW.
Refer to Approvals - SSN Erroneously Being Used by Another Person/County for procedures which must be followed in this situation.
Related Topics
Approvals - General Information
Approvals - MEDS/CDB - Prior MEDS/CDB Record(s)
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