Non-Compliance Process

The non-compliance process is initiated when a participant fails to or has made no contact with Vocational Services for good cause determination. The non-compliance process will be initiated in the Vocational Services-Appeal System (VSAS) application. 

Employment Counselor Responsibility

The EC is responsible for determining if the participant failed to comply with Vocational Services Program requirements. 

Failure to Check-in for Vocational Services Program Orientation

The steps below describe the process to be followed when an individual fails to check-in for scheduled VS orientation. 

  1. VS Clerical
    1. Notates "Did Not Show" (DNS) next to the individual's name on the orientation list. 
    2. Scans copy of completed orientation list and emails to all eligibility staff for appropriate action. 
  2. Referring EW
    1. Takes appropriate action on "Showed" and "DNS" individuals' cases. 

Failure to Complete Orientation or Intake Assessment

If an individual checks-in for Orientation, but fails to complete the Orientation or the Intake Assessment, the backup EC OD.

  • Writes "N/R" (No Response) on the Session Roster (next to the participant's name).
  • Updates the Orientation activity status in CalSAWS to "No-Show."
  • Notifies the assigned EW via email. 
  • Adds thorough Journal entries in CalSAWS and in VSAS [Narrative] tab.
  • Forwards any appropriate documents for Imaging. 

Non-Compliance - Automatic Process (VSAS) 

The procedure for running non-compliance in VSAS is as follows:

  • The first working day of the month following the non-compliance, designated Vocational Services staff access the "Process Non-Compliance" function in VSAS. 
  • Clicks the [General Notice] button which will automatically generate a "Notice of Proposed Action" with an automatically scheduled Fair Hearing date. 
  • The assigned Appeals Officer in the Appeals unit accesses the Notice of Proposed Action, reviews the notice, and follows the Automatic Hearing process to schedule a hearingAutomatic Hearings

Non-Compliance - Manual Process

Manual non compliance may be initiated by the EC when a participant displays miss-conduct at their assigned activity or when the EC confirms that the participant has submitted fraudulent documents. 

The manual non-compliance is as follows:

  • Access VSAS - [Case Management Tracking] tab.
  • Search for case.
  • Click on Add Manual NOA in [Client] tab.
  • Choose appropriate non-compliance reason from drop down menu.
  • Enter non-compliance date.
  • Adds thorough Journal entries in CalSAWS and in VSAS.
  • Forwards any appropriate documents for Imaging. 

Note: VSAS will generate a Notice of Proposed Action with a Fair hearing date.

Fraudulent Documents

If the Employment Counselor believes that the documents submitted by the client appear to be fraudulent, the EC must:

NOTE: A participant who provides fraudulent documentation or information to obtain a continuance or increase of GA benefits, or to avoid a reduction in GA benefits, will be ineligible for GA for a period of three (3) calendar months.

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Vocational Services Sanctionable Reasons

Non-Compliance - Sanctions for Married Couple

Participant Responds to Non-Compliance NOA

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Vocational Services and Appeals System