Non-Compliance Process
The non-compliance process is initiated when a participant fails to or has made no contact with Vocational Services for good cause determination. The non-compliance process will be initiated in the Vocational Services-Appeal System (VSAS) application.
Employment Counselor Responsibility
The EC is responsible for determining if the participant failed to comply with Vocational Services Program requirements.
Failure to Check-in for Vocational Services Program Orientation
The steps below describe the process to be followed when an individual fails to check-in for scheduled VS orientation.
- VS Clerical
- Notates "Did Not Show" (DNS) next to the individual's name on the orientation list.
- Scans copy of completed orientation list and emails to all eligibility staff for appropriate action.
- Referring EW
- Takes appropriate action on "Showed" and "DNS" individuals' cases.
Failure to Complete Orientation or Intake Assessment
If an individual checks-in for Orientation, but fails to complete the Orientation or the Intake Assessment, the backup EC OD.
- Writes "N/R" (No Response) on the Session Roster (next to the participant's name).
- Updates the Orientation activity status in CalSAWS to "No-Show."
- Notifies the assigned EW via email.
- Adds thorough Journal entries in CalSAWS and in VSAS [Narrative] tab.
- Forwards any appropriate documents for Imaging.
Non-Compliance - Automatic Process (VSAS)
The procedure for running non-compliance in VSAS is as follows:
- The first working day of the month following the non-compliance, designated Vocational Services staff access the "Process Non-Compliance" function in VSAS.
- Clicks the [General Notice] button which will automatically generate a "Notice of Proposed Action" with an automatically scheduled Fair Hearing date.
- The assigned Appeals Officer in the Appeals unit accesses the Notice of Proposed Action, reviews the notice, and follows the Automatic Hearing process to schedule a hearing. Automatic Hearings
Non-Compliance - Manual Process
Manual non compliance may be initiated by the EC when a participant displays miss-conduct at their assigned activity or when the EC confirms that the participant has submitted fraudulent documents.
The manual non-compliance is as follows:
- Access VSAS - [Case Management Tracking] tab.
- Search for case.
- Click on Add Manual NOA in [Client] tab.
- Choose appropriate non-compliance reason from drop down menu.
- Enter non-compliance date.
- Adds thorough Journal entries in CalSAWS and in VSAS.
- Forwards any appropriate documents for Imaging.
Note: VSAS will generate a Notice of Proposed Action with a Fair hearing date.
Fraudulent Documents
If the Employment Counselor believes that the documents submitted by the client appear to be fraudulent, the EC must:
- Initiate a referral to the Special Investigations Unit (SIU). Refer to CB 2023-71 How to Submit and Search for a SIU Referral.
- If fraud is confirmed, initiate a manual non-compliance as described above.
NOTE: A participant who provides fraudulent documentation or information to obtain a continuance or increase of GA benefits, or to avoid a reduction in GA benefits, will be ineligible for GA for a period of three (3) calendar months.
Related Topics
Vocational Services Sanctionable Reasons
Non-Compliance - Sanctions for Married Couple
Participant Responds to Non-Compliance NOA
Vocational Services and Appeals System