
The purpose of the application process is to assist the individual in establishing eligibility for aid and services. Intake EWs are required to explore eligibility for all programs requested and all benefits for which the applicant may qualify.

Application Forms

[EAS 40-101.4] 

An application is a request for aid in writing made either by the applicant or another person, on behalf of the applicant, using one of the following forms:

  • SAWS 1
  • SAWS 2 Plus
  • BCW


The “Initial Application for CalFresh, Cash Aid, and/or Medi-Cal/Health Care Programs” (SAWS 1) can be used when a household is applying for CalWORKs or CalWORKs/CalFresh. The SAWS 1 is used to begin the application process and sets the beginning date of aid.

When the applicant’s signature has been obtained on the SAWS 1 to initiate the application process, information required on the SOF should be completed during the interactive interview. The county should not send the SAWS 2 Plus to require another signature.

SAWS 2 Plus

The “Application for CalFresh, Cash Aid, and/or Medi-Cal/Health Care Programs” (SAWS 2 Plus) is a joint application for CalWORKs, CalFresh, and Medi-Cal. The SAWS 2 Plus replaces the SAWS 2 and combines the program rules, many of the rights and responsibilities, the SAWS 1, the Statement of Facts, and appendices to collect additional information where applicable. The SAWS 2 Plus must be completed in full prior to the applicant completing the signature page as it is an attestation to the accuracy of the information.

Note: When the applicant cannot complete the full SAWS 2 Plus application on the same day, counties may use the revised separate SAWS 1 to initiate the application and establish the beginning date of aid. For CalWORKs, this cannot be done by completing the “SAWS 1” portion of the SAWS 2 Plus. The separate SAWS 1 must be used.


The following rules apply when signing the SAWS 2 Plus:

  • The SAWS 2 Plus must be signed in ink or recorded over the telephone and associated with their case number,
  • EACH question must be answered, if it is not applicable, they must enter “N/A,”
  • When both parents are in the home, the SAWS 2 Plus must be reviewed with both, and both parents must sign and date the SAWS 2 Plus, and
  • If the applicant/recipient changes original answer, the change and initials must be in ink.
  • When concluding a Telephone Interview, the SOF must be printed and mailed to the applicant if the case has been approved.


There must be a separate SAWS 2 Plus (original) for each AU.

The SAWS 2 Plus is not designed for documenting subsequent changes in circumstances. Recipients are to use the CW 8 or CW 8A for adding a person to the AU. Refer to Adding a Person to the AU. 

A new SAWS 2 Plus is required for all:

  • Applications,
  • Restorations,
  • RDs for cases with U-parent deprivation and for cases with earned income to the AU in the month the RD is conducted,
  • Incoming ICTs,
  • Changes from CalWORKs-FG to CalWORKs-U,
  • Changes from Transitional Medi-Cal (TMC), MNO, or Edwards v. Kizer Medi-Cal to CalWORKs, and
  • Significant change of circumstances which occur that may affect eligibility (i.e. change in caretaker relative from non-needy to needy).

Note: When the caretaker/relative changes from a needy caretaker to a non-needy caretaker or when there is a change of non-needy caretakers, the EW must determine continuing eligibility for the aided children. The EW may determine that the situation remains the same and that continued eligibility is evident. In this situation, at the face-to-face interview, the EW must secure a “Non-Needy Relative Statement” (SCD 345) and “Child/Spousal and Medical Support Notice and Agreement (CW 2.1 N&A) if necessary, have the caretaker review, sign and date the SAWS 2A SAR, and document in the CalSAWS Journal Detail page, what has occurred.


The “Rights, Responsibilities and Other Important Information” (SAWS 2A SAR) is a generic document with two signature pages. The applicant/recipient must sign both signature pages (copies are not acceptable). The SAWS 2A SAR contains information on:

  • Applicant Rights and Responsibilities,
  • Work Registration and Training Rules,
  • The CalWORKs-U program,
  • Food Stamp and Medi-Cal facts,
  • Intentional Program Violations,
  • Homeless Assistance,
  • Maximum Family Grant (no longer applicable),
  • Maximum Aid Payments (Employable/Unemployable Amounts), and
  • CalWORKs 60-Month Time Limit.


The SAWS 2A SAR is given to the applicant/recipient. The applicant/recipient’s original signature page, must be imaged OR a recorded signature (Telephonic Signature) must be linked to their case number.

The SAWS 2A SAR must be completed when adding a parent or caretaker/relative and must be signed (written or telephonic) by both parents when both parents are in the home.

The SAWS 2A SAR is not necessary when:

  • The parent/caretaker relative has already signed a SAWS 2A SAR with the latest revision date, or
  • Adding a child to an existing AU.

Intake Signature Packet

CalWORKs applicants are provided with a packet of required signature forms which must be completed as a part of the application process. The CalWORKs forms to be completed for the initial application include, but are not limited to:

  • SCD 41
  • SAWS 1
  • SAWS 2 Plus
  • CCP 7
  • CSF 67
  • GEN 100
  • GEN 1365
  • SCD 103
  • SCD 508
  • SCD 2304
  • SCD 2223

Reminder: If both parents are in the home, both parents must be interviewed and both must sign the SAWS 2A SAR and the SAWS 2 Plus or the appropriate Statement of Facts form.

Application Date

The date of the application for CalWORKs is the date that the written application for aid is received by the county. This date starts the 45-day application processing period. If the application is submitted without the client’s signature, the date of application will be the date the county obtains the client’s signature.

An application is considered “signed” when the applicant either signs the Statement of Facts with a written/ink signature (pen) or a telephonic signature is obtained (voice recording over the telephone which is linked to their case number).

Note: Applications signed through the use of electronic signature techniques or applications containing a handwritten signature and then transmitted by fax or other electronic transmission are acceptable.

Related Topics


Applicant Interview


Eligibility Review Checklist



Caretaker/Relative Rules

Application & Continuing Case Processing For Individuals Displaced By Disasters

Completion of Intake Interview

Fraud Early Detection (FRED)
