Application Verifications

Verification is the use of third-party information or documentation to establish the accuracy of statements on the application. Prior to determining eligibility for applicant households, sufficient information concerning the applicant’s situation must be obtained in order for the EW to make an informed judgment as to the assistance unit’s eligibility. Verification and documentation are tools for making this determination.


The EW must verify the following information prior to approving CalWORKs applications for benefits:

  • Income
  • Citizen/Noncitizen Status
  • Identify
  • Social Security Numbers
  • Residency
  • Sponsorship for Sponsored Noncitizens
  • Relationship for all applicants
  • Property
  • Pregnancy (Pregnant Woman Only)

Denial of Applications Due to Verification

Deny the application if the applicant fails to provide the missing verification(s) when:

  • The application interview was held and all needed verification were requested, and
  • The applicant was informed of the 10-day standard in writing and was notified at the interview of the due date by which all missing verification were to be provided, and
  • The EW assisted the household, if necessary, to obtain verification.

Related Topics



Applicant Interview


Eligibility Review Checklist


Caretaker/Relative Rules

Application & Continuing Case Processing For Individuals Displaced By Disasters

Completion of Intake Interview

Fraud Early Detection (FRED)
