Applicant Interview

[EAS 40-115, 40-129, 40-131, 40-161]

An applicant must be interviewed prior to granting aid. Effective January 1, 2017, the mandatory face-to-face interview requirement was eliminated for CalWORKs applications. Applicants may now choose to have their interview conducted in-person or by telephone. A face-to-face interview must be conducted in the following circumstances:

  • The applicant requests a face-to-face, or
  • The County determines it is necessary to verify conditions of eligibility.

An interview consists of a review of information provided on the application, exploring and resolving unclear and incomplete information, and documenting any changes in circumstances that have occurred since the application was filed. If the household is a “no show” for their first scheduled interview, a denial NOA must be sent on the day of the missed interview or the next day.

Note: The EW must document in the CalSAWS Journal Detail page the method used to complete the interview process.

Immediate Need

If an applicant has elected to complete their CalWORKs application interview by telephone and is determined eligible to an immediate need, then the interview must be conducted no later than the next working day from the date of the application. 

Additionally if during the intake process an applicant claims to be in an immediate need situation, the EW must review the applicant's circumstances and make an immediate need determination. Refer to Immediate Need [EAS 40-129].

Home Visit

[EAS 40-161]

A home visit may be conducted if the applicant has physical or mental barriers limiting his/her ability to conduct an interview either in-person or by telephone. The home visit must have prior Supervisor approval.

Inability of Applicant to Participate in Interview

When the applicant’s Statement of Facts is completed on his/her behalf, the application interview must be conducted with the representative (guardian, conservator, or other person) and also with the applicant unless the applicant is unable to participate because of his/her physical or mental condition or is a child. The applicant’s inability to participate in the interview must be determined by the county through verification and/or personal contact with the applicant. Verification of incapacity is required before benefits can be granted.

Telephone Interviews

An applicant may choose to have their eligibility interview conducted by telephone. A telephone interview shall occur within seven working days of the date of application unless there are extenuating circumstances that cause further delays, or the applicant has requested a in-person interview. 

The telephone interview does not change any other interview requirements. EWs must review the application form question by question with the client, explain the rights and responsibilities, and obtain all required verification. A telephone interview is not indicative of a telephonic signature.

If the applicant is not available by phone, any messages left for the applicant should contain relevant information to the interview. The EW must remember confidentiality when scheduling the date and time of the interview appointment. The EW must document in the case file when the call was made to the household and what information was left, including the date and time of the interview.

Telephonic Signature (TS)

A telephonic signature is an electronic signature using an individual’s recorded spoken signature or verbal assent in place of an actual written signature and is considered legally enforceable. The telephonic signature is the equivalent of a written/ink signature.

When applicants walk-in to a district office, clerical staff will give the applicant the option of interviewing over the telephone, online at BenefitsCal, or face-to-face in an Intake office.

Note: If for technical reasons a TS cannot be captured, the EW can revert to Non-TS by sending the forms via DocuSign, explaining the Rights and Responsibilities (R&R) verbally, and adding a detailed case journal explaining the TS interview was unable to be completed due to technical reasons.

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