Caretaker/Relative Rules

Caretaker relatives, other than a parent, may choose to be in the AU or may choose not to be in the AU.

If the Caretaker relative... Then...
Chooses to be in the AU

They are NCR. Include their income and resources in determining the AU's eligibility.

Note: Do not use their spouse’s income unless it is voluntarily made available to the AU.

Chooses not to be in the AU, They are NNCR.

Non-Needy Caretaker Relative (NNCR)

A NNCR is a person who:

  • Meets the degree of relatedness criteria, and
  • Is other than the natural or adoptive parent, and
  • Chooses not to be included in the AU and requests aid only for the eligible child(ren).

How to Process NNCR

When a person other than the parent requests CalWORKs for the child, the name of the applicant on the SAWS 2 Plus must be that of the caretaker/relative applicant. When the caretaker/relative is a person other than the parent, the EW must:

  1. Ask how the child happened to reside there.
    1. If The child is there as a result of a court placement from Santa Clara County, then...   
      1. The EW must follow the procedures in Miller vs. Youakim. Refer to Miller v. Youakim
    2. If The child is placed in this home by another county or state, then...   
      1. Contact an EW Supervisor in the Foster Care Bureau immediately, as the other county/state may be able to pay Foster Care Benefits.
  2. Verify and document clearly the relationship between the caretaker/relative and the child. Refer to AU Composition.
  3. Ensure that there is no misuse of CalWORKs funds, exploring the income and resources of the caretaker/relative.
    1. No verification is required about this individual's financial situation unless this person is included in the AU as a needy person.
  4. Complete the “Non-Needy Relative Statement” (SCD 345), at intake and whenever a change occurs. (It is not necessary to have this completed at RD unless there is a change in the situation.)
    1. A caretaker/relative, with no spouse and/or children of his/her own living in the home, may have CalWORKs linkage if he/she wishes to apply for Medi-Cal on his/her own behalf. 

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