
[EAS 40-125.9]


A restoration is an application for the same category of aid in the same county by an applicant whose grant has been discontinued for 12 months or less at the time of the current application.


When an individual applies for a restoration of aid, any documentation or verification previously furnished to the EW and in the case file, will not be required again unless:

  • The documentation/verification is missing from the case record, and
  • The documentation is needed to establish eligibility or grant amount for current or past CalWORKs eligibility.

The EW must review Imaging or any existing case file, and prior cases if necessary, to determine if the required evidence was previously provided.

The EW will not need to examine Imaging or the previous case file if it would be unreasonable for the evidence to be in the case if the circumstances for which the verification is needed did not exist during the period the applicant previously received aid. Examples of this include earnings statements, bank verification, or evidence concerning a person who was not previously in the AU.

Forms Required

A SAWS 2 Plus is required when:

  • Circumstances of the applicant have changed in such a way that it is necessary to redetermine eligibility, (e.g., change in household composition or break-in-aid),
  • A redetermination is due, overdue, or due in the month following the request for restoration,
  • There has been a break-in-aid of MORE than one calendar month.

More than One Month Break-in-Aid

For cases with more than a one calendar month break-in-aid:

  • Obtain a new SAWS 2 Plus, and
  • Prorate the grant amount according to the Beginning Date-of-Aid Rules.

Restorations With Less Than One Month Break-In-Aid

SAWS 2 Plus Requirement

For cases with less than a one calendar month break-in-aid, a new SAWS 2 Plus is required only when:

  • Circumstances of the applicant have changed in such a way that it is necessary to redetermine eligibility, (e.g., change in household composition or break-in-aid),
  • A redetermination is due, overdue, or due in the month following the request for restoration,

Reminder: A U-parent case that has any break-in-aid must meet the 100 Hour Rule regulations. This AU is considered an applicant AU and must complete a new SAWS 2 Plus.

SAR 7 Not Received

When the case has been discontinued for failure to submit a complete SAR 7, the Intake EW must:

  • Make a good cause determination in relation to rescission. This is a requirement of the final Balderas Court settlement.
  • Document the decision and reason in the CalSAWS Journal Detail page.
  • Rescind the discontinuance without a break-in-aid when GOOD CAUSE EXISTS.
  • If Good Cause does not exist, restore aid to the AU based on the information provided on the complete SAR 7 and prorate benefits from the date the SAR 7 is received. These restored AUs are considered recipients and therefore not subject to applicant eligibility criteria.

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