Homeless Assistance Case Management Concerns

Transfer of HA Cases Between Offices

Once a CalWORKs AU has been determined homeless, the following requirements must be met before the case is transferred to another District Office:

  • The 16 day period for TS has elapsed, and
  • The client has not requested HA for PH and the current housing situation appears stable. The client may still be looking for an independent living situation, but is unable to find anything within the specified price range (80% of TMHI).

Note: In this situation, “stable” is defined as the client has lived at a residence for two months and intends to remain there or the client has requested HA for PH. The Journal Detail page must indicate that the request has been approved and the payments made, or that the request was denied.

Example Example A client has received her 16 days of TS and has not been able to locate permanent housing. She did find one apartment, but the monthly rent was in excess of 80% of TMHI and the EW denied that request. She is staying with a friend, who agrees to let her remain there until she locates other appropriate housing. She has resided with her friend for 3 months. This case may be transferred to the appropriate District Office based upon her current residence. 

Transfer of HA Cases Within an Office

Each District Office has established procedures which apply to the transfer of Homeless Assistance cases within the office, between Intake and Continuing. These procedures are to be followed.

SSPM's Decision

Any exceptions to the above rules must be decided on a case by case basis by the SSPMs of the District Office involved. This also applies to cases where there are extenuating circumstances and the client insists that the case record be transferred to another District Office.

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Temporary Shelter

Permanent Homeless Assistance

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Questions and Answers Regarding Shared Housing