Homeless Assistance Application
[EAS 44-211.5]
Any indication that a family is homeless must be treated as a request for HA. The applicant/recipient must complete the “Homeless Assistance Statement of Facts” (CW 42).
Usually the client will call their EW and state: “I'm having a housing problem.” The EW must question the client to determine how they came into this situation; for example, “Tell me what your situation is...” or “How did you come into this situation?” If the response by the client indicates that the AU meets the homeless criteria, the client must be advised to come into the office and complete the CW 42. If the client refuses to come into the office and complete the CW 42, there is no application. The EW must carefully document on the Journal Detail page should this occur.
Upon indication that a family is homeless, the EW must take the following steps:
- Have the client complete the CW 42 and thoroughly review with the client the information listed at the top of the form.
- Assess the family’s immediate housing needs.
- Determine if the family meets the definition of homeless and whether the AU has received HA once within the last 12 months or if they are applying as an exception.
- Determine if the AU is eligible or apparently eligible for CalWORKs.
- If AU is not eligible for TS, deny the HA request, issuing a HA denial NOA and recording the HA denial in case comments and stop here.
- If AU is eligible for TS, continue to Step 6.
- Advise the client of the requirement to actively seek from appropriate sources and provide evidence of the search for permanent housing.
- Give the client a “Permanent Housing Search Document,” (CW 74).
- Review CalSAWS to verify if the client is CWES eligible (active, exempt, or sanctioned status).
- If not CWES eligible, then continue with Step 9.
- If CWES eligible, follow the Family Services Supplemental Homeless Assistance Process for supplementing the TS payment, then continue with Step 9. Refer to Family Services Supplemental Homeless Assistance Process.
- Pay TS for seven calendar days as homelessness is verified upon the receipt of the complete CW 42.
- Issue the appropriate HA NOA, if HA eligible.
Homeless Assistance Payment Indicator (HAPI)
HAPI is accessed through IEVS. HAPI was designed to help prevent duplicate HA payments. All 58 counties are required to enter identifying data on all adults who receive HA.
The following chart must be used to insure that HAPI is accessed and used prior to and after the HA determination is made.
- Eligibility Worker (EW) or Designated Clerk
- Query the Case Question screen and the HAPI, "Known to Welfare” screen via IEVS for each adult in the AU. The findings are noted on the SC 41 by the clerk, or a copy of the screen obtained for the case record.
- EW
- Determine if the client has an established 12-month period or meets the criteria for an exception and if the applicant is potentially HA eligible, when HAPI indicates that the applicant has received HA previously.
- Designated Clerk
- Enter the HA payment information on the HAPI “Add” screen, when the initial HA payment is issued. Enter each adult in the AU into HAPI.
- EW
- Complete the Homeless Detail pages to enter HA payment information into the HAPI data base.
- EW
- Document on the Journal Detail page.
- Print the “HAPI” screen.
- Image the “HAPI” screen with the other HA documents into the case.
- Check MEDS to ensure that the HAPI code took. If this was not successful, follow established procedures to have HAPI entered clerically by the MTO using the SC 1296.
- Document on the Journal Detail page.
Entering HAPI
The data entered on the Homeless Detail page and the Permanent/Temporary Homeless Detail pages send the appropriate Add transaction to the MEDS network.
Family Services Supplemental Homeless Assistance Process
FS Employment Counselors will issue supplemental payments to eligible AUs in receipt of THA in order to expedite services to eligible homeless CalWORKs (CWs) AUs. FS ECs will issue supplemental payments directly to qualified CWs AUs in the following manner:
- The first payment will match the number of days issued for the initial instance of homelessness at a rate of $35 per night and
- Any following supplemental payments will match the number of days issued for any subsequent homeless payments at a rate of $35 per night. Recipients who receive the FS supplement will follow existing THA verification requirements by providing of proof of shelter costs. EWs will inform the FS ECs , via email, if additional supplemental payments are needed and the amount for these subsequent payments upon receipt of verification.
Completing a FS Supplemental Request
EWs and FS ECs must use the following process when completing a FS supplemental request for eligible CalWORKs (CWs) AUs:
- Client:
- Identifies AU as homeless and completes the “Statement of Facts-Homeless Assistance” (CW 42) to request THA.
- EW:
- Conducts THA Interview.
- Upon determination that client is eligible to THA, reviews CalSAWS to verify that client is CWES eligible (active, exempt, or sanctioned status).
- If the client is ineligible to CWES, then the EW will process the THA request per existing business process.
- If the client is determined to be CWES eligible, then the EW will continue with the steps below.
- Inform the client about potential housing resources by following the script below:
- “You may be eligible to receive additional financial assistance to help with the cost of shelter. Would you be interested in waiting while I contact a Family Stabilization Employment Counselor to see what resources may be available to assist you at this time?”
- If the client agrees, issue the initial payment, schedule a return appointment for the additional THA issuance, and continue to Step 3.
- If the client declines, issue the initial payment and follow the existing business process to complete the application.
Note: Eligibility to THA benefits is not impacted if the AU refuses or fails to complete the FS referral process.
- EW:
- Calls FS-EC Officer of the Day (OD) to have client discuss the next steps with the FS-EC OD when possible.
- Emails FSTHASupplmt-Pymt@ssa.sccgov.org with the following information:
- Subject: Urgent- Pending FS Referral
- Include the following information in the message: Case Number, Client Name, Status of TH Assistance Application, Number of THA nights issued, and any additional information that may be useful.
- Attach the CW 42 and any applicable verifications to the email and send.
Note: FS OD information can be found in Microsoft Outlook under the CWESFamilyServices Outlook Calendar.
- Receives telephone call and/or email from EW.
- Communicates, with EW and client, via telephone to advise the client of the required next steps.
- Completes the “Family Services Program Request & Application” (SCD 2417) with information from CW 42.
- Schedules an appointment with the client, for the following day, to sign the FS plan.
- Creates the FS Housing Referral in CalSAWS.
- Issues the initial supplemental payment (matching the number of days of THA) at a rate of $35 per day using ancillary sub-category “FS THA Supplement Assist” directly to the client’s EBT card.
- Reviews case and, if eligible, refers client to CHSP.
- Updates case comments to acknowledge case assignment, status of FS referral, and payment.
- FS Lead and Supervisor:
- Monitors FS THA Supplemental-Payment mailbox and assist as needed.
- FS EC:
- Follows existing FS procedures when FS referral is assigned.
- Issues any THA request for the day of their scheduled OD assignment (1st, 2nd, or 3rd)
- Receives FS Housing Referral via CalSAWS and assigns referral based on the established process.
- Enters information as previously established in ECA to prompt an email notification to be sent to the assigned FS EC/FS Supervisor.
Determining Eligibility to Continued Benefits
When the client returns for the additional issuance of THA benefits, EWs/ECs must complete the following to determine eligibility to continued benefits:
- EW:
- Reviews verification of shelter cost to determine if a continued need exists for the FS supplement.
- If the shelter cost does not exceed the $85 per night THA rate, then no additional supplement is needed. EWs must issue THA in accordance with existing policy.
- If the shelter cost does exceed the $85 per night THA rate, then EW will complete the following steps:
- Emails FSTHASupplmt-Pymt@ssa.sccgov.org the following information:
- Subject: Urgent- Ongoing TH-FS Update
- Message: Include case number, client name and the number of days issued for subsequent THA.
- Emails FSTHASupplmt-Pymt@ssa.sccgov.org the following information:
- Any additional supplemental payments will be paid at the rate of $35 per night.
Note: Use the above process for all subsequent THA issuances.
- For example, the THA supplement was issued for the initial HA payment. The EW determined the supplement will not be needed for the subsequent second payment. The client returns for the third payment and it is determined that the cost increased, therefore a supplement will be needed. The EW will follow the steps listed above to refer the client to the FS Unit.
- Reviews verification of shelter cost to determine if a continued need exists for the FS supplement.
- Retrieves email from the designated inbox and follows the existing process to issue the additional THA FS supplemental payment.
Related Topics
Homeless Assistance Program Eligibility
Homeless Assistance Exceptions
Homeless Assistance Payment Information
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