Homeless Assistance Exceptions
[EAS 44-211.513]
An eligible AU may receive HA once every 12 months for one incident of continuous homelessness that is caused by the same specific circumstances. The 12-month period begins on the day the first payment of either TS or PH is issued and ends 12 months later. Once the instance of homelessness is resolved, the AU is not eligible for any further HA payments until the next 12-month period, unless an exception is met.
HA based on an exception is available once, at any point, during the established 12-month period. The issuance of an HA payment based on an exception does not restart the established 12-month period. The following are exceptions to the once every 12-months HA rule:
- Homelessness as the direct result of a state or federally declared disaster, or
- Domestic violence by a spouse, partner or roommate, or
- A medically verified physical or mental illness, excluding alcoholism, drug addiction or psychological stress, or
- Uninhabitability of the former residence caused by sudden or unusual circumstances beyond the client's control, including but not limited to, fire, natural catastrophe, or condemnation.
The recipient must provide verification of the reason for the exception, before the homeless payment is issued. Also, there is no required waiting period between the established 12-month period and when an AU may receive HA under a exception.
Refer to Homeless Assistance for detailed information on domestic violence and homeless assistance.
Note: An AU that applies for HA under an exception criteria can receive up to three days of TS benefits pending verification of the exception. However, after the AU receives payment for the initial three days, any payments for the remaining 16 days of TS is based on the AU submitting verification of the exception as well as the “Permanent Housing Search Document” (CW 74).
Federal and/or State Declared Disaster
The information regarding HA due to a state or federally declared disaster has been moved to Homelessness due to State or Federally Declared Disaster.
Verifications For Exceptions
The HA exceptions require verification by a third party governmental or private health and human services agency. Examples of verification for the exceptions include the following:
Exception |
Verification |
Domestic Violence |
Copies of records or reports from police departments, medical facilities, Adult and Child Protective Services, Family Service Bureau, or Crisis Counseling Service Agencies. Statements from battered women shelters, signed by an administrator, counselor, or designated staff member. |
Physical or Mental Illness Excluding Drug Addiction, Alcoholism, or Psychological Stress |
Medical verification from the appropriate treating physician, state certified nurse, nurse practitioner, physician’s assistant, therapist, psychologist, licensed counselor, medical or clinical personnel with access to the patient’s records who can verify the diagnosis. |
Uninhabitability of Residence |
Written statements or copies of reports from police departments, fire departments, the Red Cross, health department or any other agencies authorized to verify the uninhabitability of the former residence. |
State or federally declared disaster |
Written documentation of the state or federally declared disaster and the areas affected by the disaster. |
Incident of Homelessness
An AU that receives TS based on an exception and requests PH within the 12-month exception period may be eligible if the AU has been continuously homeless due to the same specific circumstances. This is defined as the same incident of homelessness.
Related Topics
Homeless Assistance Program Eligibility
Homeless Assistance Application
Homeless Assistance Payment Information
Homeless Assistance Case Management Concerns
Expanded Temporary Homeless Assistance
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