Contract Shelter Providers

Contract monies paid to the “homeless” shelter providers are separate from CalWORKs or HA funds. Santa Clara County has a contract with many homeless shelter providers and they can be found from the Resources & Referrals section

Shelter Referral

Contract shelter providers refer homeless families to SSA to apply for CalWORKs and HA. The shelter providers request each CalWORKs applicant/recipient to sign an agreement to have his/her HA payment(s) made payable by vendor directly to the shelter. Vendor payments made payable to contract shelter providers must be computer generated and MAILED and must NOT be given to the applicant/recipient to hand carry.

HA Payments For Clients In A Shelter

Even though shelter providers ask their clients to sign an agreement to have their HA payment made payable to the shelter, the client has the right to have the HA payment made payable to himself, unless there is the presumption of mismanagement of CalWORKs.

If the applicant/recipient requests that the HA payment be made payable to themself, the EW must explain to the applicant/recipient that refusing to make the shelter provider payee may create a problem with the contract shelter provider. Make sure that the applicant/recipient knows that it will be necessary to verify the amount of the shelter costs paid before a second or subsequent HA payment can be issued.

If the applicant/recipient agrees to make the shelter provider payee of their HA payment, the amount of the vendor payment made payable to the shelter must be the cost of the shelter or the maximum amount available in the Homeless Assistance Program, whichever is less. If the vendor payment is less than the maximum amount available under the Homeless Assistance Program, the balance will be made payable to the applicant/recipient.

Related Topics

Homeless Assistance Program Eligibility

Temporary Shelter

Permanent Homeless Assistance

Homeless Assistance Exceptions

Homeless Assistance Application

Cal-OAR Measures

Homeless Assistance Payment Information

Homeless Assistance Case Management Concerns

Expanded Temporary Homeless Assistance

Questions and Answers Regarding Shared Housing