Budgeting the Income of a Person Being Discontinued from the Existing AU

The income of an individual who left home must NOT be considered income to the AU for budgeting purposes in any month(s) following his or her discontinuance.

If the person who is discontinued from the AU has no legal responsibility to the AU members but remains in the home, (i.e., needy caretaker relative who becomes non-needy) income of this person will be removed from the AU’s budget.

Example Example A continuing case consists of a needy relative caretaker and her three nieces. The needy relative is receiving UIB, and in January begins working full time Her earnings are in excess of the Recipient Net Income Test for an AU of 4. The EW discontinues the entire AU, and then determines that CalWORKs eligibility continues for the three children. The caretaker is now considered non-needy and according to the “Non-Needy Relative Statement” (SC 345) there is no contribution to the AU. 

If the person (i.e., stepparents, excluded parents, senior parents) who is legally responsible for AU members is discontinued from the AU but remains in the home, and has income which is considered available to the AU, that income is continuously budgeted.

Payment for Child Support

NO deduction is allowed from either earned, unearned, or disability based income for actual payments being made in support of a child or spouse not in the home, whether or not this is a result of a court order.

Dependent Care/Child Care

[WIC 11323.6 and 11323.8]

The Dependent Care disregard and all other child care programs including the following have been eliminated:

  • Transitional Child Care (TCC)
  • Supplemental Child Care (SCC), and
  • California Alternative Assistance Program (CAAP)

Child care payments are now issued by CWES when applicable. [Refer to “Child Care Service,” page 26-1]]

Related Topics


Determining Reasonably Anticipated Monthly Income


Income Starting or Ending Mid-Period

Income Tests and Grant Determination

Reporting Changes Affecting Eligibility and Grant Determinations/Mid-period Changes

Mandatory Mid-Period Reports

County-Initiated Mid-Period Changes

Special Budgeting Considerations