Income Starting or Ending Mid-Period

Income that is reasonably anticipated to start or end in one of the months of the upcoming SAR payment period will only be counted in the month(s) that the income is reasonably anticipated to be received. This will allow the AU to receive the maximum benefit amount in the months in which this income is not received. This applies to applicant AU’s as well; income from the month of application will only be used to determine eligibility and benefit amount in the month in which it was received.

Income that is beginning or ending may be treated differently depending on how certain the AU is that the income will begin or end.

Example Example The AU’s current monthly income is stable, but they heard that they might get laid off soon. The current income should be used to determine the monthly benefit amount and the EW should instruct the AU to report to the county when they know for sure that they will lose their job or report to the county in the month their income decreases. 

Example Example The AU has zero current monthly income, but they will be starting a new job in the next month or so, but are not sure about their start date or hours. This new income cannot be reasonably anticipated and would not be used to determine benefit amounts. The recipient should report the new job mid-period if their income is over their IRT or on their next SAR 7 or RRR forms if the income is not over their IRT. 

The following chart can be used to determine the amount of income to use in determining the grant:

If Income is Received... And will continue and the... Then...
Weekly/Bi-Weekly, Amount for each pay period is the same, Multiply the weekly or bi-weekly amount by the conversion factor: 4.33 for weekly or 2.167 for bi-weekly.
Weekly/Bi-Weekly, Amount for each pay period is different
  • Add weekly or be-weekly amounts for the data month,
  • Divide that total by the number of pay periods in the data month to arrive at an average weekly, or bi-weekly amount,
  • Multiply the weekly or be-weekly amount by the conversion factor: 4.33 for weekly or 2.167 for bi-weekly.
Weekly/Bi-Weekly, Amount expected to be received in the SAR payment period is different than it was in the Data Month, The monthly income amounts must NOT be averaged over the months of the SAR payment period.
Semi-Monthly or Monthly, Amounts are expected to be the same for each month of the SAR payment period,

Use the monthly amount.

Note: Multiply by two to determine the monthly amount when the client is paid semi-monthly.

Semi-Monthly or Monthly, Amounts are expected to be different in some of the months of the SAR payment period, The monthly income amounts must NOT be averaged over the month of the SAR payment period.

Related Topics


Determining Reasonably Anticipated Monthly Income


Income Tests and Grant Determination

Budgeting the Income of a Person Being Discontinued from the Existing AU

Reporting Changes Affecting Eligibility and Grant Determinations/Mid-period Changes

Mandatory Mid-Period Reports

County-Initiated Mid-Period Changes

Special Budgeting Considerations