Cal-Learn Program Definitions

[EAS 42-762.3]

The following are definitions in the Cal-Learn program:

Adequate Progress

Adequate Progress is when the teen parent makes a “D” grade point average for the current quarter (at least 1.0, but less than 2.0) on a report card or as reported by an approved school that offers a high school diploma equivalent, (i.e., Adult Education program or Alternative School). This determination is submitted by the Cal-Learn Case Manager as determined/reported by the teen’s school or program. If a Cal-Learn teen parent makes adequate progress for the current quarter or semester, there is no change in the CalWORKs grant (there is no bonus or penalty applied).

Cal-Learn Provider

PPMM is contracted with the SCC PhD to serve as the service provider for the AFLP and Cal-Learn program services. The PPMM is responsible for providing the necessary case management services to assist the teen parent in obtaining their high school diploma or its equivalent and becoming self-sufficient.


A bonus is the payment of money made to the AU when the teen parent makes satisfactory progress in the teen parent’s educational program and/or receives a high school diploma or the equivalent. A bonus may be paid directly to the Cal-Learn teen participant if they complete their GED or High School Diploma. The Cal-Learn Case Manager notifies the Cal-Learn CWES Worker who authorizes the payment.

Cal-Learn Teen Parent

A Cal-Learn Teen Parent is a teen parent who is not exempt from the Cal-Learn program and who has been approved by CalWORKs and received his/her Cal-Learn program notification from the Cal-Learn service provider, PPMM.

Exemptions/Deferrals/Good Cause

Exemptions, deferrals and good cause refer to a teen parent who is not required to participate in the Cal-Learn program because specific exemption criteria is met. Exemptions, deferrals and good cause are determined and verified by the Cal-Learn Case Manager. An exempt teen parent receives no services and is not subject to either penalties or bonuses. A deferred teen parent may receive case management services, but is not subject to the penalties, bonuses or paid supportive services.

Exemptions/deferrals/good cause verification must be determined and provided to the Cal-Learn CWES Worker prior to the current CL8 report card due date.


A Penalty is the reduction in the CalWORKs grant for the AU based upon the teen parent's failure to achieve at least a “D” (1.0) grade point average for the current semester or quarter or failure to make or verify progress. This determination is made and information is provided by the Cal-Learn Case Manager. This is solely a financial penalty. The teen parent is not removed from the AU.

Report Card/Progress Report

The Report Card or progress report is the quarterly periodic report on a teen parent's academic achievement issued by the school.

Satisfactory Progress

Satisfactory Progress means that the teen parent has made at least a “C” (2.0) grade point average on his/her current quarter or semester report card/progress report. This determination is made by the educational service provider and is submitted by the Cal-Learn Case Manager.

Supportive Services

Supportive Services are the transportation, child care, costs for diaper assistance, ancillary expenses and other supplemental services needed by a teen parent to attend his/her educational program.

Authorization for these payments is made by the Cal-Learn case managers who approves the support services and issues the NOA. The support service payment is authorized by the Cal-Learn CWES Worker.

Teen Parent

A Teen Parent is an individual who must:

  • Be a CalWORKs recipient under the age of 19, or be 19 years of age and continuing Cal-Learn participation on a voluntary basis, and
  • Not have obtained a high school diploma or its equivalent, and
  • Reside with his or her child(ren) in the same AU, or
  • Be pregnant.

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