Cal-Learn Program Time Limits TANF/CalWORKs

Refer to the chart below to determine how a Cal-Learn teen’s time on aid is counted:

If the teen is aided as...

Then the months on aid...

A child on his/her parent’s case,

Do not count against the CalWORKss or TANF clock.

Head of Household on his/her own case,

Count against the TANF clock, but do not count against the CalWORKs clock.

A teen parent that should have been participating in Cal-Learn, but was not, must have his/her time clocks adjusted, as appropriate.

Related Topics

Cal-Learn Program Introduction

Cal-Learn Program Mandatory Participants

Cal-Learn Program Voluntary Participants

Cal-Learn Program Definitions

Cal-Learn Program - CalWORKs Home Visiting with Cal-Learn Participants

Cal-Learn Program Requirements

Cal-Learn Program Case Management

Cal-Learn Program Procedures

Cal-Learn Program - Issuance of Supportive Services

Cal-Learn Program - Terminations

Cal-Learn Program Related Forms/Notices of Action (NOAs)