Cal-Learn Program Case Management

Intensive case management services are provided by PPMM staff. The CMs assist the teen in:

  • Obtaining a high school diploma or its equivalent
  • Finding child care for the teen parent’s child
  • Providing program exemptions, deferrals and good cause
  • Coordinating supportive services and bonuses or penalties with the CWES Worker
  • Finding appropriate health care for the teen parent and the child(ren) of the teen parent
  • Providing referrals to community resources
  • Assisting the teen in addressing barriers to self-sufficiency.

Each teen and caretaker relative payee (if different) must attend an orientation meeting. The program requirements are thoroughly explained to ensure the teen parent understands the consequences of not making adequate or satisfactory progress. The teen parent is then assigned a Cal-Learn CM. The CM meets with the teen parent at least once every three months and assists the teen parent in reaching their goal of self-sufficiency.

Program Confidentiality

The Cal-Learn Case Managers may contact the Cal-Learn CWES Worker if specific concerns arise concerning the teen parent's CalWORKs case. If contacted, the Cal-Learn CWES Worker may respond to the Cal-Learn Case Manager, without having a signed release of information. The information requested must be necessary in order to administer the Cal-Learn program.

Related Topics

Cal-Learn Program Introduction

Cal-Learn Program Mandatory Participants

Cal-Learn Program Voluntary Participants

Cal-Learn Program Definitions

Cal-Learn Program - CalWORKs Home Visiting with Cal-Learn Participants

Cal-Learn Program Requirements

Cal-Learn Program Procedures

Cal-Learn Program - Issuance of Supportive Services

Cal-Learn Program - Terminations

Cal-Learn Program Time Limits TANF/CalWORKs

Cal-Learn Program Related Forms/Notices of Action (NOAs)