Cal-Learn Program Related Forms/Notices of Action (NOAs)

The following forms and NOAs are used in the Cal-Learn Program:

ID Nbr

Form Title


CL 1

Cal-Learn Registration/Program Information/Orientation Appointment Notice

Notification to the teen parent that he/she has been registered in the Cal-Learn program and the scheduled orientation.

CL 11

Cal-Learn - Notice of Incomplete Grades

Notification to the Cal-Learn participant of incomplete grades and a due date to provide a report card with complete grades.

CL 2

Cal-Learn Program Requirements

Notification to the teen parent of the Cal-Learn requirements.

CL 3

Cal-Learn Notice of a Participation Problem

Notification to the Cal-Learn teen of a scheduled appointment when there is a participation problem.

CL 4

Cal-Learn Informing Notice to Parent/Legal Guardian of Cal-Learn Participant

Notification sent to the caretaker relative informing them of the Cal-Learn teen participation problem and appointment date.

CL 8

Cal-Learn Notice of Report Card Submittal Schedule

Notification to the Cal-Learn participant of the dates report card are due.

CL 9

Cal-Learn Notice of No Good Cause Determination

Notification to the Cal-Learn participant that he/she did not have good cause for not meeting program requirements.





CW Cal-Learn Bonus Approval - Report Card


CW Cal-Learn Bonus Approval - High School Diploma or Equivalent

Notification of Cal-Learn bonus approval for satisfactory school progress on report card.



Notification of Cal-Learn bonus approval for obtaining a high school diploma or equivalent.

Note: Manually generate M42-769A NOA (Report Card bonus) or M42-769B NOA (High School Diploma or Equivalent bonus) by searching “Free Format NOA” CSF 166 in the CalSAWS Templates Repository. Then copy the verbiage from the appropriate M42-769A or M42-769B NOA on the DEBS Forms Library, paste it onto the CSF 166 within CalSAWS and complete the variables.

NA 820

Notice of Action - Transportation Approval

Notification of transportation approval.

NA 821

Notice of Action - Transportation Denial

Notification of denial of transportation.

NA 823

Notice of Action - Ancillary Approval/Denial

Notification of approval or denial of ancillary expenses.

NA 843

Notice of Action - Ineligible for Cal-Learn Program

Notification that teen parent is no longer eligible for the Cal-Learn program.

NA 844

Notice of Action - Adequate Progress

Notification of adequate progress in Cal-Learn.

SCD 48

Consent Form: AFLP/Cal-Learn Program

Cal-Learn consent form for AFLP case management services.

SCD 62

Cal-Learn Communication

A communication between the Cal-Learn Case Manager and the Cal-Learn CWES Worker regarding bonuses, penalties, and Cal-Learn eligibility.

SCD 66

Notice of Action - Discontinuance

Notification of discontinuance of child care and transportation services.

SCD 69

Notice of Action - Child Care Denial

Notification of a denial for child care.

SCD 71

Rights and Responsibilities AFLP/Cal-Learn Program

Cal-Learn teen’s rights and responsibilities as an AFLP/Cal-Learn client.

SCD 72

Cal-Learn Program School Enrollment Verification

Used to verify a Cal-Learn teen’s school enrollment.

SCD 73

Initial Release of Information AFLP/Cal-Learn Program

Allows the release of information to the AFLP/Cal-Learn.

SCD 74

Specific Release of Information AFLP/Cal-Learn Program

A specific release of information to the AFLP/Cal-Learn.

SCD 912

Cal-Learn Program Progress Report

Used to determine the Cal-Learn teen’s progress in his/her school program.

Related Topics

Cal-Learn Program Introduction

Cal-Learn Program Mandatory Participants

Cal-Learn Program Voluntary Participants

Cal-Learn Program Definitions

Cal-Learn Program - CalWORKs Home Visiting with Cal-Learn Participants

Cal-Learn Program Requirements

Cal-Learn Program Case Management

Cal-Learn Program Procedures

Cal-Learn Program - Issuance of Supportive Services

Cal-Learn Program - Terminations

Cal-Learn Program Time Limits TANF/CalWORKs