TrustLine (TL) Health & Safety - TL Registry

[EAS 47-600]

The TL Registry is a database system of licensed-exempt child care providers that have cleared criminal background checks in California. It was developed to help parents check on child care providers and protect children from possible dangerous individuals who are not licensed and protect them from other dangerous individuals living in the home of an exempt provider. This system also protects children from other dangerous individuals who reside in the home (other than the child’s home) where the child care is provided. This is done by requiring providers, and other convicted individuals where care is provided, to send in their fingerprints and a TL application form.

The application form is then forwarded to the California DOJ. The DOJ will conduct a background check to see if a provider has a record of criminal convictions or substantiated child abuse reports. If there is no record of disqualifying convictions, a provider is then approved to be listed on the TL Registry.

TL applies to the following programs:

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TrustLine (TL) Health & Safety Requirement

TrustLine (TL) Health & Safety - Prior TL Cleared or In Process

TrustLine (TL) Health & Safety - TL Application Process

TrustLine (TL) Health & Safety - Processing TL

TrustLine (TL) Health & Safety - Monitoring the TL 120 Calendar Days Period

TrustLine (TL) Health & Safety - Completing the Forms

TrustLine (TL) Health & Safety - TL Clearance

TrustLine (TL) Health & Safety - California Department of Justice (DOJ)