TrustLine (TL) Health & Safety - Monitoring the TL 120 Calendar Days Period

Since payment for child care cannot be approved or issued until the provider is cleared/approved with TL, it is important to continue communication with the parent. Once the need for child care is determined and the TL process has been initiated, the EC MUST explain the 120 calendar day retroactive period and how this may affect the client’s child care needs.

Therefore, it is important to monitor this period and maintain communication with the client when 30, 60 or 90 days of the 120 retroactive calendar day period has elapsed. The worker must issue the “Notification of Parental Choice with TrustLine Registration” (SCD 180) at the 30, 60 and 90 day intervals. This notification includes information to the parent that he/she has the option to select another provider in case the provider of choice does NOT become TL registered.

Whenever possible, workers should encourage parents/providers to check on the TL application status by calling the R&R Network at (800) 822-8490. Operators will be able to assist them in making sure their application was received and give them information regarding their application status.

The 120 Retroactive Calendar Day Period

CalWORKs child care payments are NOT approved or issued until the provider is cleared/approved by TL. Once a license-exempt provider becomes TL registered, he or she may receive retroactive child care payments for no more than 120 calendar days from the date that TL is approved.

A parent may choose to change providers during the TL process; however, the 120 calendar day retroactive payment period would start over for the new provider. If the old provider subsequently clears TL they are entitled ONLY for services provided up to 120 retroactive calendar days. The new provider will also be required to be TL registered BEFORE he/she is paid for services. The EC should NOT stop tracking providers until a registered or denied status has been received from the R&R.

Below are three (3) examples for the 120 calendar day period:

Example 1

On January 15th, a license-exempt provider begins providing child care services. The TL process is completed and the provider is TL approved on March 25, 2008. The provider is entitled to receive reimbursement of child care payment for no more than 120 calendar days. To determine the 120 calendar day period that child care can be paid, begin by counting back, starting from March 25th (the date TL was approved) to January 15th. In this case, since the number of days from TL approval to the date that services began does NOT exceed 120 calendar days, the start date of the child care on the approval notice is January 15th. The end date of the approval notice is the end of the activity, or March 25th, whichever is less.

Example 2

On January 15th, a license-exempt provider begins providing child care services. TL is completed and the provider is TL approved on June 2, 2008. The provider is entitled to receive reimbursement of child care payment for no more than 120 calendar days. To determine the 120 calendar day period that child care can be paid, begin by counting back, starting from June 2nd (the date TL was approved) to January 15th. In this case, since the number of days from TL approval to the date that services began exceeds 120 calendar days, the start date of the child care on the approval notice is February 4th. The end date of the approval notice is the end of the activity, or June 2nd, whichever is less. The EC would issue a denial notice for January 15th through February 3, 2008 (the days that exceed the 120 calendar day period).

Example 3

On January 15th, a license-exempt provider begins providing child care services. On March 25, 2008 it is determined that the provider is NOT TL approved. The EC would issue a denial notice from January 15th through March 25, 2008. The client is responsible to pay any costs incurred while the provider was pending TL. The County does NOT reimburse the provider or client.

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TrustLine (TL) Health & Safety - TL Registry

TrustLine (TL) Health & Safety Requirement

TrustLine (TL) Health & Safety - Prior TL Cleared or In Process

TrustLine (TL) Health & Safety - TL Application Process

TrustLine (TL) Health & Safety - Processing TL

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TrustLine (TL) Health & Safety - TL Clearance

TrustLine (TL) Health & Safety - California Department of Justice (DOJ)