Function, Purpose and Benefits
WDTIP is the method by which counties report TOA information to the Statewide TOA database. The WDTIP system is comprised of 16 inquiry screens.
Purpose and Benefits of WDTIP
The purpose and benefits of WDTIP are:
- To provide counties with cumulative TOA information for those ADULTS known to the WDTIP system.
- To collect and track all data necessary to accurately calculate the two TOA time clocks, (TANF and CalWORKs.)
- To calculate and track the 60-month time clock for TANF and the 60-month time clock for CalWORKs.
Where WDTIP Information Comes From
The majority of the information that is stored in the WDTIP database is sent from the county/consortia consortia SAWS to MEDS via a standard file interface. There are four update screens through which WDTIP can receive information:
- Diversion
- Non-California Program Participation
- Supportive Services Only Payments
- Child Support Reimbursements.
Related Topics
Welfare Data Tracking Implementation Project (WDTIP)