Online Inquiry/Screens
There are 12 inquiry screens and 4 update screens.
Inquiry Screens
The 12 inquiry screens display all calculated time clock-related data. These screens display relevant information regarding an individual’s cash program
TANF 60-, CalWORKs 60- and WTW 24-month time clocks, diversion payment history, and time clock exception history. If you have “inquiry only” capability in MEDS, then you will have the same capability in WDTIP. Eligibility and employment staff can view all data on the 12 inquiry and 4 update screens, but only authorized staff can modify data on the update screens.
Update Screens
The four online update screens in TRAC allow authorized users to update information online in WDTIP. In Santa Clara County, this level of functionality is reserved for clerical staff with "Full" access capabilities in MEDS.
Screen Dependencies
Some of the screens in WDTIP are dependent on data being entered or present on a previous screen. To access a dependent screen, data must be entered or be present on the primary screen. For example, to access the Time Clock Exception Detail Screen [EDET], there must be at least one data record on the Time Clock Exception Summary Screen [ESUM].
The inquiry screen dependencies are depicted in the table below.
Primary Screen |
Dependent Screen |
Dependent Screen |
Individual Inquiry (IINQ) |
Individual Response Summary (ISUM) |
Individual Detail (IDET) |
County Summary (KSUM) |
Program Summary (PSUM) |
Program Detail (PDET) |
Diversion Summary (DSUM) |
Diversion Detail (DDET) |
Exception/Extension Summary (ESUM) |
Exception/Extension Detail (EDET) |
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Welfare Data Tracking Implementation Project (WDTIP)
Function, Purpose and Benefits