DFCS/DEBS Common Cases

Temporary Homeless Assistance

CalWORKs AUs receiving Family Reunification (FR) services through DFCS may be eligible for Temporary Homeless Assistance (THA), if DFCS or a court determines that THA is necessary for reunification and the family is otherwise eligible (i.e. the family meets the eligibility criteria for homeless assistance).

DFCS staff will coordinate with the EW when the need for THA has been identified. EWs will use the existing business process to determine an FR AU's eligibility for THA.

Informing Requirements

EWs must provide the following information to CalWORKs FR AUs before issuing the first Temporary Shelter (TS) payment:

  • Rules,
  • Informing Requirements,
  • Time Frames,
  • Eligible Days, and
  • Requirement to search and provide evidence of search for permanent housing.

Additionally, CalWORKs FR AUs must be informed of the penalties should the AU fail to provide verification.

Refer to Temporary Shelter [EAS 44-211.52] for additional information.

Permanent Homeless Assistance

While receiving FR services, the CalWORKs AU is not eligible for permanent homeless assistance. The AU may be evaluated for permanent homeless assistance once the children have been returned home and are added back into the CalWORKs AU.

Related Topics

Homeless Assistance Program Eligibility

Temporary Shelter

Permanent Homeless Assistance

Homeless Assistance Exceptions

Homeless Assistance Application

Cal-OAR Measures

Homeless Assistance Payment Information

Homeless Assistance Case Management Concerns

Contract Shelter Providers

Expanded Temporary Homeless Assistance

Questions and Answers Regarding Shared Housing