Exemptions - Pregnancy

Medical verification, such as a CW 61, indicating pregnancy impairment is not required.

A woman who is pregnant during any trimester qualifies for a Pregnancy exemption. Pregnancy verification may include a sworn written statement or verbal attestation by the recipient provided that the recipient submits pregnancy verification (such as a doctor’s note with an expected due date) within 30 working days. Therefore, any pregnant recipient will be granted a 30-day pregnancy exemption and the exemption may continue for the duration of the pregnancy if the pregnancy verification is provided. The EC is to inform client to notify their EW of their pregnancy and to provide the pregnancy verification within 30 days to their EW. The client may also provide a CW 61 to receive a Disability exemption if the pregnancy is resulting in a disability.

Pregnant recipients with a pregnancy exemption may choose to participate as exempt volunteers in WTW activities of their choice with no limitation in hours per week.

Note: The Pregnancy exemption is not a TOA exemption, but individuals may be eligible for TOA exemption if a Disability exemption is granted with appropriate medical verification, such as a CW 61.

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Exemptions - Medical Exemption Process for Centralized Exemption Worker (CEW)

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Exemptions - WTW Exemption Table