Exemptions - Needy Nonparent Relative Caretaker of Child

A needy nonparent caretaker relative who has primary responsibility for providing care for a child is exempt from participation in WTW activities when he or she meets either of the following criteria:

  • The nonparent caretaker relative is caring for a child who is a dependent or ward of the court, or
  • The nonparent caretaker relative is caring for a child who the county has determined is at risk of placement in foster care.

Note: For an individual to qualify for this exemption, the county will determine that the caretaking responsibilities are beyond those considered normal day-to-day parenting responsibilities and impair the caretaker relative’s ability to be regularly employed or to participate in welfare-to-work activities.

If a client cannot participate the full 20/30/35 hours per week because he/she must provide care for a child listed above, he/she is exempt. There are no partial exemption

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Exemptions Policy

Age Exemptions

Exemptions - Pregnancy

Exemptions - Disability

Exemptions - Care of Another

Care of Child

Exemptions - County Specific 60-Month Time Limit Extenders

Exemptions - Medical Exemption Process for Centralized Exemption Worker (CEW)

Exemptions Process for Continuing Cases

Exemptions - WTW Exemption Table