Exemptions - Care of Another

An individual whose presence in the home is required because of illness or incapacity of another member of the household may be exempt. If the ill or incapacitated household member is not on the CalSAWS case, with the same address, verification of the household member and the caregiver residing in the same home is required. This exemption is a TOA exemption and also an extender.

The County must determine that the caretaking responsibilities impair the individual’s ability to be regularly employed or to participate in welfare-to-work activities.

Note: If a client cannot participate the full 20/30/35 hours per week because he/she must provide care for an ill or incapacitated household member, he/she is exempt. There are no partial exemptions.

“Doctor Verification” (SCD 1782)

The “Doctor Verification” (SCD 1782) is used when a medical statement is needed to verify the client must remain in the home to care for an incapacitated family member. The information provided by the doctor will verify the family member is disabled and the extent of care needed for that individual. The SCD 1782 must be signed by the doctor or medical facility to be valid.

Note: Medical reports may be renewed by the client’s own medical provider.


When an individual who has a current exemption wants to participate in WTW as an Exempt-Volunteer, the individual must receive medical clearance from the medical provider by submitting an updated medical report that describes restrictions, conditions, or any other information to assist the EC in assigning an appropriate activity.

Expiration of a Prior Medical Verification

A client who is participating or exempt from CWES activities but continues to provide care to a disabled household member must obtain a current medical report that indicates presence in the home is still required. Medical reports may be renewed by the client’s own medical provider. Reports should be submitted prior to expiration.

Related Topics

Exemptions Policy

Age Exemptions

Exemptions - Pregnancy

Exemptions - Disability

Care of Child

Exemptions - Needy Nonparent Relative Caretaker of Child

Exemptions - County Specific 60-Month Time Limit Extenders

Exemptions - Medical Exemption Process for Centralized Exemption Worker (CEW)

Exemptions Process for Continuing Cases

Exemptions - WTW Exemption Table