Exemptions - Medical Exemption Process for Centralized Exemption Worker (CEW)

Tracking Medical Exemptions and Exempt Cases Not Known to CWES

The CEW must follow the steps below when tracking medical exemptions for clients unable to participate in CWES, and for exempt cases NOT known to CWES. When the individual is known to CWES and has an exemption lasting less than 6 months, the assigned

EC is to monitor the case. When the cumulative exemption period is 6 months or more, the case is transferred to the CEW for monitoring.

The CEW follows these steps:

  1. Receives the monthly ESIX1283 “Exemption Due to Expire” listing from designated staff.
  2. Contacts the client and sends the “Notification of CalWORKs Exemption Ending & Appointment” (SCD 6) to inform the client that their exemption will end. The contact and the SCD 6, along with “Authorization to Release Medical Information” (CW 61) or “Doctor Verification” (SCD 1782) must be initiated at least 30 days prior to the exemptions end date.
  3. Take appropriate action based on the client’s current situation:

If the medical condition...

Then the CEW must...


Review for possible referral to CalWORKs Social Work Unit for SSI Advocacy, based on referral criteria.

Refer to Referral Criteria.

If meets criteria, follows CalSAWS Announcement (CA) 85 for initial referral and then emails Social Worker Unit additional information.

Refer to CEW Referral to CalWORKs SSI Advocacy.

Is no longer applicable, but other exemption reason(s) exists,

Obtains necessary verification and submits to Imaging, as appropriate.

Enters/Updates appropriate information on the Customer Information in the Local Navigator.

Runs/Overrides ES Exemptions, as appropriate, based on the exemption and saves exemptions results.

Completes Task request to inform the EW to run EDBC and Authorize case.

Documents action in the Journal Detail page in CalSAWS.

Note: Assigns the case to the Administrative Unit Exempt caseload. These cases would not have an assigned EC.

Is no longer applicable, and no other exemption condition exists,

Registers the client with CWES. Follow the Registering Exempt Clients Process.

Registering Exempt Clients

The CEW follow these steps when a medical exemption or any other exemption that the CEW is tracking ends:

  1. Determines the client is no longer exempt from CWES.
  2. Updates appropriate information on the Customer Information in the Local Navigator, runs ES Exemptions and saves results. Completes TMT request to inform the EW to run EDBC/Authorize case.
  3. Documents action taken in the Journal Detail page in CalSAWS.
  4. Determines next steps:

If the...

Then the CEW must...

WTW case was never assigned to an EC


WTW case was assigned, but the exemption lasted more than 12 months,

Assigns the case to the Orientation Scheduling caseload.

Contacts/Sends the SCD 6 to inform the client that:

  • The exemption ended,
  • They are required to participate, and
  • That they are scheduled to attend an orientation.

Notifies Orientation Scheduling staff via email (with a copy to the supervisor) that the client was transferred to the Orientation caseload.

Client attended a CWES Orientation within the last 12 months,

Runs ES exemptions.

Transfers/Assigns the case to the previous worker. If the previous worker is no longer in the unit/office, obtains new case worker from the control clerk.

Forwards SCD 6 to the prior worker to schedule appointment for the client.

Note: Notifies the assigned worker and copy the assigned worker’s supervisor about the exemption ending and the scheduled appointment.

The assigned worker mails the completed SCD 6 to the client.

  1. To complete the steps, the EC reviews the case for appropriate activity prior to the scheduled appointment.

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