CalWORKs Home Visiting - Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Participation

CalWORKs WTW recipients who are participating in HVP are subject to WTW participation requirements and may be either mandatory or exempt volunteers.

WTW Plan Development

The WTW Plan is developed upon receipt of the service provider’s enrollment report indicating the types of services and activities client will be participating. CalWORKs Home Visiting - Referral Process for additional information.

When client’s participation includes volunteering at an early learning center, hours are counted as Community Service or Work Experience, as appropriate.

When completing a WTW 2 for the CalWORKS HVP the activity can assigned to “Other Activities Necessary to Assist in Obtaining Employment,” when not associated with Community Service or Work Experience. The activity is assigned within the WTW Plan in CalWIN. When assigning the activit(ies), use CalWIN Provider, “CalWORKs Home Visitation” Provider. Monthly Attendance hours are entered.

Supportive Services

All WTW participants, including home visiting clients in WTW, are eligible for the full array of supportive services.

Related Topics

CalWORKs Home Visiting Background and Program

CalWORKs Home Visiting - Eligibility Criteria Partnership Models

CalWORKs Home Visiting Outreach and Application

CalWORKs Home Visiting - Referral Process

CalWORKs Home Visiting - Other Requirements