CalWORKs Home Visiting - Referral Process

Referrals to the CalWORKs Home Visiting Program (HVP) are initiated through the DEBS Referral Application.  The DEBS Referral Application will generate an encrypted email that will originate from the Employment Counselor's (EC's) email account, and will be sent to the Home Visiting Public Health Referral Center  who will forward the referral to the appropriate home visitation model service provider based on the information that is entered in the referral, such as names, ages of the children along with date of birth; and expected due date of mom, if pregnant; and reason for the referral.

Recording Offers in CalSAWS

After making an initial offer of HVP participation to eligible clients the EC will navigate to the Home Visiting List and Home Visiting Detail pages in CalSAWS to add a record of offer.  The EC will enter the date of the offer in the Date Offered field, and in the Accepted Offer field will select [Yes or No].  If "Yes" is selected EC will enter a date in the Begin Date field.


Once the EC receives the "Client Status Report" (CSR) from the Home Visiting Program staff the EC will navigate to the Home Visiting Detail page in CalSAWS to enter a date in the Date of First Home Visit field.  


For detailed instructions on how to navigate to the Home Visiting List and Home Visiting Detail page please navigate to: CalSAWS Home Page and in the Search Bar type: "Home Visiting Program".  Click on JA Home Visiting Program.  


DEBS Referral Application

Referrals are initiated through the DEBS Referral Application as follows:

A. The EC:

  • Access the DEBS Referral Application through web address: DEBS Refer (, or through the DEBS Refer icon listed under SSA Applications.
  • For detailed instructions with screenshots on how to initiate a referral through DEBS Referral Application refer to the "DEBS Referral Application User Guide" located on the Reference Materials page   under "Quick Reference Guides."
  • Select [CalWORKs Home Visitation] from the Provider Name Drop down field in the DEBS Referral Application.
  • Client Information fields in the DEBS Referral Application are mandatory and should include client's spoken language, phone number, and email address unless the client does not have access to phone or email.  
  • The Referral Comments section should include the following information:
    • Child(ren) names, ages, and dates of birth
    • Whether or not a person in the AU is pregnant and the name of the pregnant parent
    • Reason for the referral
    • Client's home address
    • Client's gender.

Note: The Referral Comments information is critical to ensure that the Referral Center links the family to the appropriate home visitation service provider.

  • Send TMT to assigned EW for any CalSAWS demographic updates, as appropriate.

No entries are needed in the Feedback section tab of the DEBS Referral Application. No follow-up is required, because all referrals are sent to the referral center for distribution to assigned home visitation staff.

Note: Home visitation staff assigned to the case will provide status reports to CWES Clerical Support and ECs will update accordingly in the Home Visiting Detail page in CalSAWS. 

  • Enters a Journal Entry in CalSAWS using CalSAWS Type: "WTW" with a Short Description of: "CalWORKs Home Visiting". 

Note: Designated DSR MA will be generating calculated reports to capture referrals that are declined by clients.

B. The Designated CWES Clerical:

  • Receives monthly listing that is forwarded by designated ESI staff.
  • Clerical will enter records only when the offer wasn't made by Social Services Agency (SSA) staff or if client no longer has an assigned EC.
    • Navigates to the Home Visiting Detail page to update client's HVP record.  For detailed instructions on how to navigate to this page please navigate to CalSAWS Home Page and in the Search Bar type: "Home Visiting Program".  Click on JA Home Visiting Program.  On the Home Visiting Detail page enter date as indicated on monthly lisitng:
      • If client is participating, enter the date in the Date of First Home Visit field. 
      • If client is no longer participating or the services end based on home visiting model, enters date in the End Date field. 
  • Enters a Journal Entry in CalSAWS using CalSAWS Type: "WTW" with a Short Description of: "CalWORKs Home Visiting".  

Related Topics

CalWORKs Home Visiting Background and Program

CalWORKs Home Visiting - Eligibility Criteria Partnership Models

CalWORKs Home Visiting Outreach and Application

CalWORKs Home Visiting - Welfare-to-Work (WTW) Participation

CalWORKs Home Visiting - Other Requirements