2166 - Medicare Aid-Code Requires Appropriate HIC-Number - Priority Accept

This alert is generated when a Buy-In transaction or a county transaction for Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) pending Part A confirmation was submitted for a Medicare eligible to either:

  1. Update eligibility and there was no HIC-NO on the transaction; or
  2. Remove the HIC-NO. The HIC-NO can not be removed for a Medicare Aid Code.

Sample Alert

Click herehere to view the sample alert.

Possible Screens To Resolve This Alert

  1. The MEDS Special Program 1 Information (INQ1) screenscreen indicates there is not a HIC No on MEDS for this recipient.

  2. The MEDS INXH screenscreen indicates that there is a HIC number for this recipient on the MEDS HIC cross-reference file, although it does not display on the INQ1 inquiry screen.

If the recipient is an alien who is not eligible for Medicare, refer to MC HB Chapter 20: Medicare Coverage, Section Medicare Buy-In.

Action Required

Enter the HIC Number (the letter must be capitalized) exactly as it is listed on MEDS (INXH/INQB screen) in the HIC Number field on the Medicare Detail page.

Related Topics

2162 - Restriction Not Updated-MEDS Restriction Has Priority - Accept

2168 - ABAWD Not Updated - Client Already ABAWD - Action

2169 - ABAWD Not Updated - Contradictory ABAWD Data - Urgent

2170 - ABAWD Not Updated - Age at ABAWD-Date Indicates Age Exempt - Urgent

2171 - ABAWD-Status Inappropriate Without Food Stamp Eligibility - Action

2172 - ABAWD - Status Inappropriate - Client Not ABAWD Per MEDS - Urgent

2173 - MEDS ABAWD - Status Cannot Be Changed By This Transaction - Action

2175 - OHC Not Updated - MEDS OHC Source Has Priority - Alert

2179 - Birthdate Discrepancy Identified - Check for DOB - Urgent