2170 - ABAWD Not Updated - Age at ABAWD-Date Indicates Age Exempt - Urgent
This daily alert is generated when the transaction sent from CalSAWS to MEDS contains ABAWD information on an individual under 18 or equal/over 50 years of age, who is not an ABAWD.
Sample Alert
Click herehere to view the sample alert.
Possible Screens To Resolve This Alert
- The [INQG] and [INQF] screensscreens display the “start” month and date of the ABAWD time clock (ABAWD-EFF-DT) and the ABAWD indicator code. These windows are used to compare the ABAWD information on the Time Limit Summary page and to confirm CalFresh eligibility.
- The Individual Demographics Detail page can be used to verify the client’s age with verification on file (i.e. birth certificate, passport, driver license, etc.).
- The Time Limit Summary page displays the “start” month and date of the ABAWD time limit, used to verify if the ABAWD information is accurate based on the client’s age.
Action Required
- Review the client’s age for ABAWD age limit and documents (birth certificate, passport, etc.) on file if the DOB is correct.
- If DOB is incorrect and the correct age meets ABAWD age requirement, refer to Birthdate/Name/Gender Corrections for DOB correction, run EBDC and authorize the case to re-submit ABAWD information. Check MEDS in two working days. If necessary, submit an SCD 1296 to update the ABAWD indicator to “1” via the FX20 transaction and/or the ABAWD status code via the FX60 transaction.
- If the client’s age is correct, update appropriate ABAWD status and time limit in CalSAWS. If needed, manually update the ABAWD time limit on the Time Limit Summary page.
Refer to CF HB Chapter 28: Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD) - Work Requirements, for complete ABAWD regulation information.
Related Topics
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2166 - Medicare Aid-Code Requires Appropriate HIC-Number - Priority Accept
2168 - ABAWD Not Updated - Client Already ABAWD - Action
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2172 - ABAWD - Status Inappropriate - Client Not ABAWD Per MEDS - Urgent
2173 - MEDS ABAWD - Status Cannot Be Changed By This Transaction - Action
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